Couple standing next to small lake in Vancouver.

Access to Nature

Improving access to green spaces—like parks, community gardens, and greenways—builds the community and improves the health of residents.

Read about the:

Our goal: Vancouver residents will enjoy incomparable access to green spaces, including the world's most spectacular urban forest

Our targets: Ensure that every person lives within a 5 minute walk of a park, greenway, or other green space by 2020; restore or enhance 25ha of natural areas between 2010 and 2020

Our targets: Plant 150,000 additional trees in the city between 2010 and 2020, and increase canopy cover to 22% by 2050

Progress we've made so far

Access to Nature
Trees Planted
Natural Space
Tree Canopy
Access to Nature Chart
Hover on data points for more information on that year's performance.
To learn more about this metric, see the 'How We Measure Success' section below.
Note: Our next Tree Canopy survey will be conducted in 2018.

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Initiatives that are helping us reach our goal and targets

Urban Forest Strategy

Vancouver's Urban Forest Strategy provides tools for growing and maintaining a healthy, resilient urban forest for future generations.

Vancouver Bird Strategy

The Vancouver Bird Strategy works to create conditions for native birds to thrive in Vancouver.

Official City Bird

After three weeks of campaigning, Vancouverites voted the Anna's Hummingbird as Vancouver's official city bird.

Greenways for walking and cycling

We design and build safe, nature-rich paths that encourage you to explore Vancouver without using your car through the Greenways program.