East Fraser Lands (River District) past updates

July 2020

On July 7, as part of the EFL Official Development Plan (ODP) 10-year review, Council approved changes to 3350 Marine Way (Parcel 14) and 3565 Sawmill Crescent (Parcel 19). The changes were considered by Council ahead of the comprehensive EFL ODP review package of amendments to allow for much needed rental housing to be developed in the near term.

The approved amendments to the EFL ODP and CD-1 (566) for the Town Square precinct will allow for the following:

  • Secure market rental housing and retail uses on Parcels 14 and 19
  • Increased floor area by 1,858 square metres (20,000 square feet) to permit a community energy centre on Parcel 19
  • Move the 49-space childcare centre from Parcel 19 to an alternative location on the East Fraser Lands


September 2019

Thank you to everyone that came to our open houses on September 24 and 28.

View the open house display boards:

The information included in the display boards summarize the full package of proposed changes to the EFL Official Development Plan (ODP). These open houses were the final step in the public engagement for the EFL ODP 10-year Review. 

Based on public feedback and further technical refinement, we will draft amendments to update the EFL ODP and other bylaws to ensure EFL continues to incorporate best practices for land use, sustainability, transportation, density, and building heights and public benefits.

These amendments will be presented to Council for consideration in late 2020. 

September 2018

On September 18, 2018, as an interim measure, Council approved changes to the EFL ODP and associated CD-1 bylaws to allow for:

  • Redistribution of existing floor area to achieve a larger, standalone site for the community centre
  • An increase in the maximum floor area to add 5,129 square metres of affordable housing in Area 1 and 2
  • Remove EFL-specific parking maximums to align with citywide regulations
  • Extend the time limit and clarify extensions for interim uses in EFL
  • Add details on the EFL-specific flood construction level to the EFL ODP


May 2018

Thank you to everyone that came to our open houses on May 24 and 26. 

View the open house display boards:

We have updated information for the waterfront in Areas 1 and 2 and a preferred concept for the eastern neighbourhood (Area 3). 

We will draft amendments to the EFL ODP and other bylaws to establish a framework for land use, sustainability, transportation, density, and building heights and public benefits.

These amendments will be presented to Council for consideration later this year. 

January 2018

We are mid-way through the process to review and update the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan.

Thank you to everyone that joined us at our open houses on January 13 and 15 to see preliminary concept plans, provide feedback on early ideas, and talk to City staff and the proponent team about the project.

Based on what we heard and learned in the first stage, we asked for you for your thoughts on our new ideas and preliminary concepts for the development of the East Fraser Lands for you to consider through an online survey.

July 2017

In July 2017 two open houses were held to launch the Official Development Plan 10-year review. Thanks to everyone who attended and provided feedback on the scope of the amendments. The open house boards and a summary of consultation feedback can be found below.

At the next open house we will present your feedback and draft concept plans for community review.

June 2017

On June 14, 2017, City Council voted to endorse a planning program to review and update the EFL ODP to reflect:

  • New Council policy and standards
  • Changing environmental conditions due to climate change
  • Delivery of public benefits
  • Options to increase housing diversity in Area 3

Changes to the EFL ODP and corresponding CD-1 Bylaw amendments will be presented for Council’s consideration at the end of the year-long process. If approved, they will be used to inform ongoing implementation of EFL and future rezoning of Area 3.

January 2010

City Council approved the rezoning for East Fraser Lands Area 2 and Kerr Street Properties on January 19, 2010.

Wesgroup Properties submitted a rezoning application for East Fraser Lands Area 2 and Kerr Street Properties in May 2009. The application was comprehensively reviewed by City staff, the East Fraser Lands Committee, and the community through a planning process.

The rezoning area is approximately 35.0 acres (14.2 ha) land in the western portion of the site. Area 2 and Kerr Street Properties will become part of the future mixed use residential neighbourhood at East Fraser Lands. 

Council report and appendices

Design guidelines

September 2008

City Council approved the Area 1 Rezoning for East Fraser Lands on September 16, 2008.

The City received the Area 1 Rezoning application from the developer Wesgroup Properties in February 2007. This rezoning application was refined through collaborative efforts of City staff, the developer, the East Fraser Lands Committee, and community over eighteen months.

The approved Area 1 Rezoning reflects principles and directions consistent with the approved East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan. 

Area 1 rezoning

Area 1 design guidelines

November 2006

After months of planning work and discussion between City staff, the developer, the East Fraser Lands Committee, and the community, the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan (ODP) was completed and approved by Council in November 2006.

The ODP translates the principles and objectives established in the East Fraser Lands Policy Statement into more detailed planning policies and requirements for the developing the site.

The ODP includes a physical plan and specifies land uses and amounts, housing types, movement in and around the site, sustainability features, the delivery of community amenities such as parks and community facilities, and phasing.

View the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan approved by City Council in November 2006 (6 MB)

May 2005

The Victoria-Fraserview/Killarney (VFK) and West Fraserlands Review and Inventory of Community Facilities report:

  • Examines and identifies the range of existing public facilities in VFK
  • Identifies the existing levels of service these facilities provide to the two communities
  • Where possible, identifies any existing gaps or deficiencies in facilties in relation to City-wide service levels

View the VFK and West Fraserlands Review and Inventory of Community Facilities report (3 MB)


In 2004, Council unanimously supported the EFL Policy Statement, followed by the EFL Official Development Plan approved in 2006. 

View the East Fraser Lands Policy Statement (2004) (4.5 MB)