Pet regulations and fines
Animal Control Officers (ACOs) are responsible for enforcing the Animal Control Bylaw. The bylaw regulates a range of topics, including:
- Off-leash dogs (outside of designated off-leash areas)
- Unlicensed dogs
- Aggressive animals
- Banned animals
- Backyard chickens
Depending on the specific circumstances, a violation of the bylaw may result in:
- A Warning Notice (an "AC notice")
- A Bylaw Violation Notice (a BVN)
- A Municipal Ticket Information (an MTI)
- A Prosecution Report (a long form ticket)
The penalties range from a warning or a fine to prosecution in court.
Add information to a complaint file
If you have information to add to any animal complaint file, contact Animal Control at 3-1-1.
You will need to provide contact information (work, home, and cell phone numbers) so that staff may follow up if they need to.