Guelph Park public art: Dude Chilling Park sign

Dude Chilling Park sign

The Dude Chilling Park sign returns to Guelph Park as a donated public artwork accepted by the Vancouver Park Board.

In November 2012, the unauthorized Dude Chilling Park sign was erected in Guelph Park. The sign, which mimics standard park signs found in city parks, was removed by Park Board staff.

The Board received a request from Mount Pleasant residents, along with 1,500 signatures of support, to reinstall the sign permanently because it celebrates the unique characteristics of the park and neighbouring community.

Progress with this initiative

Park Board accepts donated sign

February 3, 2014 – The Park Board accepted the donation of the Dude Chilling Park sign.

The artwork will be installed this spring at the original location adjacent to the sidewalk at East 8th Avenue and  Brunswick Street. A plaque describing the piece, along with a reference to the Coast Salish connection to the land, will also be installed.

Park Board to decide on accepting donated sign

January 31, 2014 – Staff will recommend that the Park Board accept the donation of the Dude Chilling Park sign at the February 3, 7:00pm committee meeting.

Staff give preliminary approval to two sites for the sign

November 2013 – Park Board staff reviewed possible locations in Guelph Park and gave preliminary approval for the following two locations:

  1. Corner of 8th Avenue and Brunswick Street
  2. By the community garden beside the Dude Chilling art exchange box

Sign reviewed by Public Art Committee

October 15, 2013 – The Public Art Committee reviewed the artwork and provided comments.

Park Board asks staff to find a permanent home for the sign

March 11, 2013 – Park Board Chair Sarah Blyth put forward a motion to find a permanent home for the sign where all residents can enjoy and honour the art history of Vancouver’s parks and recreational facilities. The motion carried.

Background on this project

The Dude Chilling Park sign was created and donated by artist Victor Briestensky. It light-heartedly references the wooden sculpture Reclining Figure by Michael Dennis installed in Guelph Park in 1991.

During the sign's unauthorized installation in November 2012, Google Maps even temporarily renamed Guelph Park to Dude Chilling Park. Many organizations and residents in Vancouver brought forward ideas to honour the sign as a public artwork.

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