To facilitate this, we have mapped out acceptable behaviours that will contribute to the creation of a safe and secure environment for the public and staff to enjoy all aspects of our amenities. Understanding behavioural expectations enables all parties to work together, using a foundation of mutual respect and dignity.
We are committed to supporting the participation of members of the public in the use of its facilities, programs, and properties. We encourage positive, inclusive behaviours when using our programs, facilities or properties and will take firm and progressive steps to reduce instances of negative behaviours occurring.
We expect all participants and user groups at our facilities to treat patrons, staff, and volunteers with dignity and respect. This includes upholding the BC Human Rights Code, including not engaging in discriminatory conduct on the bases of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age.
Any behaviours intended to hurt, intimidate, humiliate others, or to damage Vancouver Park Board property will not be tolerated. When the individual is a child or youth (younger than 18 years old), this policy will be applied in conjunction with Vancouver Park Board’s Child and Youth Behavior Guidelines (in development) that includes parent or caregiver involvement at each stage.
The Vancouver Park Board has the authority to actively manage individuals using our programs, properties, or facilities who have been identified as not meeting behavioural expectations. This will be done through the application of verbal warnings, written behavioural expectation agreements, access restrictions, suspension, or termination of use, as deemed necessary for the safety of staff and others using the spaces.
Behavioural expectations
We expect that everyone in our spaces will:
- Take responsibility for their own behaviour
- Talk in a normal tone and avoid swearing
- Keep their cool and treat others with respect
- Not damage or take equipment or property that does not belong to them
- Ensure they are not intoxicated
Without limiting our policy statement, the following behaviour is unacceptable and staff will be required to report any occurrence involving them:
- Anti-social or negative behaviour resulting from intoxication or the use of drugs or alcohol
- The consumption of alcohol or drugs in our washroom facilities
- Smoking or vaping within our spaces
- Bringing weapons into our spaces
- Violent or aggressive behaviour
- Theft or vandalism of recreation or patron property
- Making threats, attempting to intimidate, goading, and inciting others to violence
- Any action that promotes discrimination, racism or hatred
- The use or display of abusive or offensive materials, words, or images
- Any action that damages, defaces, fouls or pollutes any Vancouver Park Board property
- Any activity or conduct that would be detrimental to the environment at the site, breaches posted rules, and may negatively affect those in the immediate surrounding area
These behaviours will result in the user groups or individual(s) responsible having appropriate measures implemented to prevent these behaviours being repeated.
Measures may include verbal warnings, development of behavioural expectation agreement, access restrictions, and suspension or termination of use of park and recreation facilities, services, and access to properties.
Addressing unacceptable behaviours
Failing to meet the behavioural expectations will result in some or all of the following measures being implemented, depending on the severity of the incident.
The actions may include:
- A verbal warning
- A verbal suspension of access
- A written warning
- Issuance of a letter of behavioural expectation
- A written suspension of access
Finally, the Trespass Act will be invoked in serious cases where the individual refuses to meet the behavioural expectations.
Supervisors are empowered to implement immediate short-term access restrictions (up to four (4) days). The implementation of a long-term access restrictions or Trespass Act letters will be undertaken in consultation with the Manager and/or General Manager of Parks and Recreation.
When evaluating the appropriate measures to be implemented the following factors will be taken into account:
- The nature and impact of the incident
- History of other incidents involving the individual(s) or group
- The potential for ongoing incidents
- The age and demeanour by the individual
- Whether the individual has taken responsibility for their behaviour.
Appeal process
When an access restriction is implemented, the manager or supervisor will provide a copy of the letter outlining the access restriction to the individual/group. If the individual who has had a restriction placed upon their access from a facility, program or property requests, an appeal the following process will apply:
- Individual/group is provided a letter from the Park Board General Manager outlining the reason for (citing relevant bylaw and/or policy) and details of the access restriction.
- Access restriction letters will advise a request to appeal the decision can be submitted to the Park Board General Manager by emailing
- The Park Board General Manager (or designate) will make arrangements with the individual/group to hear their appeal.
- A decision regarding the appeal will be provided in writing from the Park Board General Manager no later than 30 days after the appeal has been heard.
- The access restriction will remain in effect during the appeal process.
- Where a decision results in a reduction of the length of the access restriction or withdrawal in its entirety, notice will be provided to appropriate staff at all affected facilities/sites.