24/7 phone for operator PHS Community Services Society
2132 Ash St
- Former address: 599 and 595 W 2nd Ave
The temporary modular housing at 2132 Ash St, Margaret Mitchell Place, has one building with 52 studio homes. All homes are self-contained dwellings with a private bathroom and kitchen. A total of six homes are wheelchair accessible.
This is a supportive housing building. BC Housing selected PHS Community Services Society as the non-profit operator for this site.
The building is named after Margaret Mitchell. She served as the Member of Parliament for Vancouver East for 14 years, from 1979 until 1993. Mitchell was a pioneer in community development, a tireless advocate for housing, and a fearless activist in support of women and people living in poverty. She was instrumental in bringing violence against women and domestic abuse into the political spotlight.
This housing was developed in coordination with the False Creek South Neighbourhood Planning Program.
Community gatherings with temporary modular housing residents
Neighbours meeting neighbours
Learn how communities are connecting around temporary modular housing in Vancouver.