Vancouverites are connected and engaged in the places and spaces that matter to us.
- All Vancouverites have 4 people in their network that they can rely on
- Increase municipal voter turnout to at least 60%
In addition to our personal relationships and social networks, the opportunity to participate in civic life is a core human need.
We may draw on our social networks to help with many aspects of our health, including:
- Accessing food and shelter
- Finding employment and training opportunities
- To enhance our self-confidence
- Help during illness
- Healing from death or life change
- To enjoy ourselves and relieve stress
Being engaged is also about giving back to our communities, which benefits those who give as well as those who receive. A sense of belonging, connectedness and engagement in the places and spaces that matter to us is critical for our physical and mental well-being.
Progress we've made so far
Healthy City Dashboard
Check out the latest way to find information about health and well-being in Vancouver. View the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators and export the data to use elsewhere.
How we measure change
We use a number of data sources to monitor trends in the health of the city. We monitor progress toward Cultivating Connections using data from public health surveys, the federal census program and electoral agencies.
2015-2018 Priority actions
Steps toward achieving this goal in the first four years of the Healthy City Strategy.
Success stories
Initiatives helping us reach these goals and targets
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Updates, documents, and background
Get the full details about the Healthy City Strategy.