Cyclists biking along a trail

Healthy City Strategy

What you need to know

The Healthy City Strategy is guided by our vision of “A Healthy City for All”. It is a long-term, integrated plan for healthier people, healthier places, and a healthier planet.

Our aim is to continually improve the conditions that allow everyone to enjoy the highest level of health and well-being possible. This includes social socioeconomic conditions, access to services, and the communities and environments we engage in.

Review the City Council report  (151 KB) to learn more about how we're renewing our strategy in late 2024.

What's happeningShare your feedback on quality of life in Vancouver

As part of our updates to the Healthy City Strategy, we've partnered with the UN on a quality-of-life survey project. Complete the survey by October 1. 

Take the survey

Our goals


Healthy City Dashboard

  • Find the latest information about health and well-being in Vancouver.
  • Review the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators.

Explore the Healthy City Dashboard

Goals and targets

A good start

Vancouver's children have the best chance of enjoying a healthy childhood.

A home for everyone

A range of affordable housing choices is available for all Vancouverites.

Feeding ourselves well

A healthy, just, and sustainable food system.

Healthy human services

Equitable access to high-quality social, community, and health services.

Making ends meet and working well

Adequate income and access to a broad range of healthy employment opportunities

Being and feeling safe and included

A safe city in which residents feel secure.

Cultivating connections

Vancouverites are connected and engaged in the places and spaces that matter to us.

Active living and getting outside

All Vancouverites are engaged in active living and have incomparable access to nature.

Lifelong learning

Access to lifelong learning and development opportunities.

Expressing ourselves

Vancouver has a diverse and thriving cultural ecology that enriches the lives of residents and visitors.

Getting around

Safe, active, and accessible ways of getting around.

Environments to thrive in

Vancouverites have the right to a healthy environment and equitable access to livable environments in which they can thrive.

Collaborative leadership

Public, private, and civil sector leaders work in integrated and collaborative ways towards the vision of a healthy Vancouver for all.

Go in-depth

Updates, documents, and background

Get the full details about the Healthy City Strategy.

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