We’re working to improve cycling connections between two of Vancouver’s most popular walking and cycling routes: the Arbutus Greenway and the Seaside Greenway (Seawall).
The Arbutus Greenway is an 8.8-kilometre active travel route stretching from near Fir St and W 6th Ave in the north to the Fraser River in the south. The greenway provides a safe and comfortable cycling route for people of all ages and abilities (AAA).
The Seaside Greenway (Seawall) is a 28-kilometre route along Vancouver’s coastline. Most of the route has dedicated bike lanes that are separate from cars, making it an attractive route for walking, biking and rolling.
What's happeningConnecting the greenways
The Pine St and W 1st Ave Link became the preferred route and a priority for implementation in 2018.
In 2022, we reviewed community feedback and began refining the design. During May and June 2022, we heard from stakeholders along the route, with feedback ranging from support for the Link to firm opposition. We have paused implementation and will explore other design options on Pine St.
Our process
Arbutus to Seaside timeline
July 2018
Council approves the Arbutus Greenway: Design Vision and Implementation Strategy which identifies creating an active transportation link between the Arbutus Greenway and Seaside Greenway (Seawall) along Pine St and W 1st Ave
Fall 2021
Early stakeholder meetings - Conceptual design
Engaged with businesses to learn how they use Pine St and how vehicles and bikes circulate
Identified how changes can accommodate access, egress, and loading requirements while meeting the City’s AAA cycling standards
Early 2022
Community conversations - Detailed design
Update residents and businesses on the proposed design with door knocking, email notifications, notification letter drop offs, and online information sessions
Late 2022/Early 2023
Review community feedback
Circle back with businesses along the route
Adjust design
We are here
2023 and beyond
Share revised design with the community
Implement the Link using interim materials
Monitor changes and adjust as needed