Broken pavers in Gastown featuring a cyclist biking by

Gastown repairs and traffic changes

We are investing in Gastown to make sure that it continues to be a vibrant place for you to live, work, and play here, now, and into the future. 

This work includes: 

  • Replacing red-brick pavers in key sidewalk locations 
  • Repairing the roadway in Maple Tree Square 
  • Upgrading the furniture in Maple Tree Square  
  • Installing new public waste bins  
  • Renewing Trounce Alley to integrate with the new design for Blood Alley Square 

What's happeningMaple Tree Square repairs now complete (June 2024)

Repairs to Maple Tree Square are now complete, on time, and in advance of this summer’s Water Street Pedestrian Zone Pilot.

We thank all of the Gastown businesses and residents for their patience while we completed this important work.

Damaged brick pavers and asphalt patches in the roadway were removed and replaced with new brick pavers to make the street safer and easier to use. 

The iconic red bricks were originally installed in the 1970’s as a way to beautify the area. Similar to the original construction, these bricks were installed by hand, section by section.

Related projects

Road closures and construction

Find information about road closures and traffic delays due to road construction projects and special events in Vancouver.

Water Street Pedestrian Zone pilot

We’re temporarily turning Water Street into a vibrant, people-friendly pedestrian zone.

Gastown Public Spaces Plan

We’re working with the local Nations to create a plan for the future of public spaces in Gastown.


Share your feedback about:

  • Access, traffic, and parking impacts
  • Gastown's public spaces
  • Other general inquiries and feedback

Submit your feedback and questions