Know the rules
Remember to affix your decal to your vehicle's windshield upon receipt.
Your permit is valid if:
- You park within the zone that your residential address is in (for example: if you have a West End decal, you cannot park in the Mount Pleasant zone)
- Your vehicle licence plate number matches the number printed on the decal
Your permit is invalid if:
- You move, change your vehicle, or licence plate
- The decal is altered
Let us know if you didn't receive your permit within 10 business days.
A residential parking permit will allow you to park in your neighbourhood, but it may not guarantee parking in front of your property or in some cases, your block.
Streets with residential parking:
- Help manage parking where on street parking is in high demand
- Combine restricted resident parking with time-limited spaces for visitors
- May be subject to temporary closure for construction, filming, and street cleaning;
it's your responsibility to be aware of these temporary changes and find alternate parking in these instances