To ensure our waterfront wharves, facilities, and properties are safe, accessible, and user-friendly, we have enacted a Wharf Regulation By-law.
The by-law:
- Improves enforcement of existing regulations for moorage and activities on the City-owned wharves in False Creek, as well as City-owned waterfront lands and facilities not covered under existing moorage agreements
- Addresses multiple challenges at City wharves regarding equitable access, competing uses, and reducing damage
The location of all City-owned wharves with short-term public moorage areas can be found in the by-law PDF file (1.1 MB).
A draft version of the by-law was shared with a targeted group of stakeholders in False Creek for feedback in February 2022. A revised version of the by-law was then submitted to council and approved in April 2022.
Sanctioned public wharves and proposed by-law regulations
We own and maintain six public wharves in False Creek which facilitate public use and provide designated short-term moorage opportunities. Other City-owned wharves, facilities, and properties do not accommodate public moorage.
Impounded dinghies and towing fees
Dinghies and small boats can be impounded from City-owned docks and wharves in False Creek and City-owned waterfront lands for a variety of reasons:
- You have violated a provision of the Wharf By-law
- Your dinghy or boat is moored outside of a designated public moorage area (marked with public moorage signs at each dock)
- You have exceeded the three-hour limit or vessel size limit of 4 metres (12 feet)
Park Board marine facilities
A number of marine facilities are owned by the Park Board, including:
- Vanier Boat Ramp
- Alder Bay and Harbour Green docks
- False Creek Paddle Centre
- Beaches throughout the city
Park Board staff are working on regulations similar to those in this by-law, and will be undertaking a separate and independent review and implementation process.
Long-term moorage options
Those looking for long-term moorage option should contact Heather or Burrard Civic Marinas or private marinas. Private facilities are also available around the city outside of False Creek.