The stakeholder advisory group is a forum for City staff to provide regular updates to key stakeholders on the implementation of various transportation initiatives and projects emerging from the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.
Stakeholders are provided the opportunity to convey their input on these items and the ongoing neighbourhood transportation planning processes.
This webpage is intended to share information and feedback received during stakeholder advisory group meetings.
Related projects
The Grandview-Woodland Community Plan was approved by City Council in July 2016.
Recognizing the transportation priorities emerging from the plan, Council approved an amendment to establish a stakeholder advisory group focussed specifically on the topic of transportation within Grandview-Woodland. The intent of this group is to be a forum for City of Vancouver staff to provide regular updates to key stakeholder representatives on ongoing transportation initiatives in the neighbourhood. Similarly, stakeholders are encouraged to give input and feedback on these transportation initiatives and projects.
The stakeholder advisory group presents an opportunity for the City to increase awareness around transportation projects and processes, and for stakeholders to share and educate on the perspectives of their various organizations.
Invited members of the Stakeholder Advisory Group comprise a range of local organizations, community services, and agencies. The membership represents:
- Residents
- Business
- Transportation
- Environment and sustainability
- Community services
- Health and safety
- Urban Indigenous peoples'
- Seniors
- Persons with disabilities
Members responsibilities
Members are responsible for representing their respective organization/group, and to provide input and feedback to the City accordingly. In addition, members are encouraged to:
- Share information and report back to their respective organization
- Provide the City with input on engagement tactics that are likely to be effective in the plan area and to reach a diverse range of people
- Offer outreach avenues for project communication materials and the potential for partnering on events or meeting spaces
- Attend public consultation and engagement transportation forums such as public open houses and completing online surveys
- Encourage networks and neighbours to participate in engagement opportunities
City Council mandated that the duration of the Grandview-Woodland Stakeholder Advisory Group will extend to December 2018. At that time, City staff will provide Council with an update and review of the Stakeholder Advisory Group process to date, and will provide a plan for next steps.
The Stakeholder Advisory Group is scheduled to meet quarterly for a total of approximately nine meetings between 2016 and 2018. Currently, Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings are scheduled for the months of February, May, September, and December.
November 22, 2018
We provided many project updates and had a presentation from the False Creek Flats Arterial Community Panel. The Stakeholder Advisory Group had a mandate to meet until the end of 2018, this is the final meeting. Thank you to all the representatives and community members for participating.
February 22, 2018
We provided project updates and had a presentation by Fortis BC on the Vancouver to Coquitlam Gas Line Safety Upgrade and a presentation on Vancouver's public bike share - Mobi By Shaw Go - system expansion.
September 14, 2017
We provided project updates and had a presentation by TransLink on the Commercial-Broadway Station Phase 2 Upgrade.
May 11, 2017
We provided project updates and information on city-wide initiatives for Congestion Management and Complete Streets. Presentations and discussion focused on TransLink's 10 Year Vision, False Creek Flats planning process, and the City of Vancouver Moving Towards Zero safety program.
February 23, 2017
We provided various project updates, reviewed the process for neighbourhood transportation issues, and discussed public spaces and public realm.
November 3, 2016
We provided a background on the Grandview-Woodland Community Plan, city-wide and neighbourhood transportation priorities, and upcoming projects in the Grandview-Woodland neighbourhood.
Project updates
There are a number of upcoming and ongoing transportation projects directly within the Grandview-Woodland neighbourhood. Continue to watch for updates on all future projects within and nearby the neighbourhood.
Commercial Drive Complete Street
Aiming to increase the safety and comfort for people who walk, bike, take transit, and drive. Open houses in Fall 2016 collected ideas and information from the public on design principles and transportation improvements along Commercial Drive. We will return to the public with open houses in early 2017 to consult on design options, and to refine design concepts.
10th Avenue Corridor Project
Working to improve comfort and accessibility for people walking and cycling, and to address safety concerns at key intersections, including Commercial Drive at Victoria Drive.
Adanac Bikeway
Upcoming improvements are planned for the Adanac Bikeway.