Apply to vote by mail
Vote in person
If you are not registered, you can register when you go to your voting location.
Advance voting days:
March 26 and April 1 at Vancouver City Hall
Election day:
April 5 at 25 locations across the city
Vote by mail
Tuesday, March 18 at 8:30am
Mail out begins for vote-by-mail packages; requested packages available for pick up at the Election Office
Monday, March 24 at noon
Deadline to request a vote-by-mail package to be mailed
Tuesday, April 1 at noon
Deadline to request a vote-by-mail package for pick up at the Election Office
Friday, April 4 at noon
Deadline to pick up vote-by-mail package from the Election Office
Saturday, April 5
5pm: Deadline to put completed mail ballots in a designated community centre drop box
8pm: Deadline to put completed mail ballots in City Hall and Election Office drop boxes
Note Ballots received after the deadline will not be counted and postmarks will not be considered.
The City of Vancouver collects personal information in accordance with sections 26(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Election Act for purposes of managing mail-in ballots, registering voters and updating voter information. If you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, contact the Director, Access to Information and Privacy by phoning 3-1-1 or emailing