Watch the Pacific Great Blue Herons live from Stanley Park

What you need to know

The Pacific Great Blue Herons are back for the 23rd consecutive year. 

The Pacific Great Blue Herons have returned to the colony at the Park Board office at 2099 Beach Avenue. 

In 2022, 90 nests were occupied by a heron family, with approximately 61% of those nests successfully raising fledglings.

Our high-definition Heron Cam takes you inside the nests of one of North America’s largest urban great blue heron colonies from March until the end of the summer breeding season.

Take control of the camera for one minute at a time and zoom into specific nests. 

Watch their courtship and mating rituals, nest building, egg laying, and fending off eagle attacks

What to watch for and how to interpret what you see


Nest building

Egg laying




Stanley Park Ecology SocietyHelp support the heron colony

These herons are a species at risk in Canada and the Stanley Park colony is a vital part of the south coast population. One-third of great blue herons worldwide live around the Salish Sea. 

The Park Board, along with our friends at Stanley Park Ecology Society, help sustain the heron population through monitoring, stewardship, and education.

Help Stanley Park Ecology Society protect, monitor, and sustain the Pacific Great Blue Heron colony by adopting a nest.

Adopt a nest

Read SPES’ Stanley Park Heronry Annual Report  (1.7 MB).

Heron Cam supports the Park Board’s Biodiversity Strategy and the Vancouver Bird Strategy

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