Our goal is to become a world leader in supporting a year-round rich and diverse group of native birds, accessible in all parks and neighbourhoods, and attracting global visitors.
Birds in Vancouver
Birds are important to our city as they are an excellent indicator of a healthy ecosystem – a link between people and local biodiversity.
Over 250 species of resident, migratory and over-wintering birds are regularly observed in greater Vancouver.
Map and Guide to the Most Common Birds in Vancouver PDF file (1.8 MB)
The Vancouver Bird Strategy works to create conditions for native birds to thrive in Vancouver and across the region. It identifies actions that we can take to:
- Reduce threats
- Enhance habitat
- Improve access to nature
- Enhance awareness
- Grow bird-related tourism
The strategy will lead to outcomes that directly support:
- A healthy ecosystem and biodiversity within our urban environment
- Ecological policy areas identified in the Vancouver Plan and other city-wide strategies