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Project timeline

Here is our process and anticipated milestones.

  • Summer 2016

    Phase 1: Background study

    • What we did: Reviewed previous plans, reports, and related policies, and formed the Northeast False Creek (NEFC) Stewardship and Park Design advisory groups
    • What we created: Project community engagement strategy, timeline, website, and materials
  • Fall 2016 and winter 2017

    Phase 2: Emerging area plan directions

    • What we did: Launched a public consultation process, identified ideas, interests, and opportunities in the planning area, and prepared emerging area plan directions
    • Who we consulted with: The public, NEFC Stewardship Group, Park Design Advisory Committee, other civic advisory committees, and an expert panel
    • What we created based on feedback: Area plan emerging directions informed by community values, City priorities, and landowner objectives
  • Spring and summer 2017

    Phase 3: Draft area plan

    • What we did: Drafted the area plan, including street and park designs
    • Who we consulted with: The public, NEFC Stewardship Group, Park Design Advisory Group, other civic advisory committees
    • What we created based on feedback: Refined Area Plan informed by what we heard, City priorities, and landowner objectives
  • Fall 2017 and winter 2018

    Phase 4: Refined area plan review

    • What we did: Presented the plan to City Council to consider and approve in January 2018
    • Who we consulted with: The public and stakeholders
    • What we created based on feedback: Final area plan package
  • We are here
  • 2018

    Work with residents to complete an implementation report to continue work on the replacement street network, park design, public art plan, and public space framework

  • Future

    Build the new street network, present the park design to the Park Board to consider and approve, and present the development site rezoning applications to City Council to consider and approve