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PDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2024-315
hereby. 6.0 CHANGES TO SCOPE OF...Manager constitutes a change in the scope...request constitutes a change in the scopePDF - Records related to the RFP and RFQ bidding process for the modular housing units in Marpole, including the final awarded contract along with the approval - Part 6
subject to a change in the scope...subject to a change in the scope...agreement only. Any changes to code requirements...subject to a change in the scopePDF - Microsoft Word - 2010 Annual Financial Report FINAL.doc
based on the ratio of utilization to...1.85%. The rate will vary with the change in Canadian short term interest rates over the termPDF - FOI web release, May 31, 2019
request constitutes a change in the scope...on the hourly rates set out inPDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2022-206
this Contract. B. CHANGES TO SERVICES 19. Changes. The City may...Contract, require a change to the ServicesPDF - 2023 Annual Report for the Vancouver Landfill
up of commercial operations is planned for...SHA proposed a change to the Landfill...from settlement. This change deferred closure ofPDF - Report - Park Board - Stanley Park Ecological Action Plan: 2011-01-10
pollen analysis the rate of sedimentation was...• The sedimentation rates found were notPDF - Land Value Capture
the estimated annual change in sales price...conjunction with significant changes in allowable developmentPDF - Letter to: <To>
rental market. Vacancy rates in purpose-built...grow above the rate of income growth...even lower vacancy rates in rented condominiumsPDF - NEFC waterfront park background study
depending on the rate of warning, the...