Transportation 2040 Plan

Transportation 2040 is a long-term strategic vision for the city that will help guide transportation and land use decisions, and public investments for the years ahead.

It provides a blueprint for us to move forward, build upon our past successes, and rise to meet new and emerging challenges.

The plan sets long-term targets and includes both high-level policies and specific actions to achieve this vision.

How we will achieve our goals

Transportation 2040 is a part of our larger strategy to ensure an inclusive, healthy, prosperous, and liveable future for Vancouver.

Many of the actions we will take to achieve these goals will require more detailed study and consultation.

Given limited resources and practical constraints, achieving our goals requires us to prioritize our efforts and explore innovative funding and design solutions.

What's happeningAnnual transportation summer survey

Who: Mustel Group (professional market research firm)
What: Survey of Vancouver residents on their travel pattern changes through an online survey via telephone
When: Summer 2021

2020 panel survey report
(6 MB)

About the plan

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