10th Ave - Segment 3, Hospital Zone (Alder St to Cambie St)

The many health care providers in this area, including Vancouver General Hospital and BC Cancer Agency, make this a busy regional destination.

Patient safety is a top priority in this segment, as well as accommodating high vehicle volumes, loading access, accessibility for people with limited mobility or vision, bike access, and the street’s tree canopy.

As a growing number of people walk, cycle, and drive along this segment, the experience for all road users has declined. To address safety concerns, we've engaged with the public and worked collaboratively with local stakeholders and facility to ensure that the final design prioritizes patient access, enhances pedestrian safety, and supports critical hospital functions.

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Key objectives

  • Maintain safe and convenient patient access to the hospital and health services
  • Improve safety for pedestrians
  • Provide parking near health services
  • Plan for future hospital uses
  • Improve cycling routes
  • Minimize impacts to street trees

What's happening

Phase 2 (Willow St to Ash St) construction begins in 2021

Starting in February 2021, construction will begin on 10th Ave between Willow St and Ash St.

Traffic and parking impacts are anticipated during the construction period. We're working closely with Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver Coastal Health, BC Cancer, and health care facilities in the area to ensure access to critical health services is maintained.

Learn more

Phase 1 (Oak St to Willow St)

The first phase, which included completion of the Hospital zone signage and pavement markings, is now complete.

The work of the 10th Ave Evaluation Commitee, formed in 2018 to collaborate with City staff to review the performance of the phase 1 street improvements, is also complete.

View the final evaluation committee report (5 MB)

Project details

Phase 1

  • Location: 10th Ave, from Oak St to Willow St
  • Construction duration: Fall 2017 to summer 2018

Phase 2

  • Location: 10th Ave, from Willow St to Ash St
  • Expected construction duration: pre construction work begins in mid November 2020. Official construction work begins mid-February 2021 to late summer 2021.
  • Hours of work: Monday to Friday, 7am to 5:30pm with extended hours (up to 8pm on weekdays) and weekends as needed.

Visit the Phase 2 construction page to learn more about how this project may affect you

Conceptual design drawings

The conceptual design drawings were approved by Council on May 17, 2017.

Plan your commute

10th Avenue Hospital Zone: phase 2 stakeholder toolkit

Find communication resources to help your clients plan their commute during construction on 10th Avenue.


Here is our progress and anticipated milestones.

  • Summer 2015

    Project launch

  • Fall 2015

    Listen and learn open houses

  • April 2016

    Open houses: Design options

  • July and October 2016

    Accessibility working group sessions

  • November 2016

    Open hosues: Recommended designs

  • December 2016 to March 2017

    Joint review with health care stakeholders

  • May 2017

    Council approval of final design and recommendation to form Evaluation Committee

  • Fall 2017

    Start of phase 1 (Oak St to Willow St) construction

  • April 2018

    Evaluation Committee meeting

  • October 2018

    Evaluation Committee guided visit

  • November 2018

    Start of collaboration with UBC/SFU to study interactions of crossing pedestrians and people driving or cycling in the 10th Ave Hospital Zone

  • April 2019

    Evaluation Committee meeting

  • June 2019

    Final Evaluation Committee meeting and report on findings

  • Summer-fall 2019

    Detailed design for phase 2 (Willow St to Cambie St)

  • 2020

    Construction of phase 2 (Willow St to Cambie St)

  • Nov 2020

    Start of pre construction work

  • We are here
  • February 2021

    Construction of phase 2 (Willow St to Ash St)

Key issues for the Hospital Zone

We are committed to ongoing improvements and issue resolution. A 10th Ave Hospital Zone Evaluation Committee will evaluate the project’s impacts following implementation and recommend spot improvements.

Related projects

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14th Ave, Alder St, and Prince Edward St bike routes

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