Adopt a catch basin this fall!
As experienced this past weekend, heavy rains combined with fallen leaves and other debris can clog catch basins, leading to flooding and ponding in our streets.
As one mitigation effort, we have a team of over 2,400 adopters who help keep more than 6,800 catch basins clear throughout the year as part of the Adopt a Catch Basin program. Adopt a catch basin and help keep our city safe for everyone!
By adopting a catch basin you will:
- Help stormwater drain properly, reducing the risk of flooding
- Protect the environment by preventing litter and pollutants from entering our waterways
- Keep your street clean and safe
- Connect with your community by taking an active role in improving your neighbourhood
As a benefit, you get to give your basin a catch-y name, like “Count Basin” or “Penny Drain” or “The basin formerly known as Prince.”
“Our dedicated team of catch basin adopters play an important role in preventing flooding and keeping our streets safe for everyone – whether they walk, bike, roll or drive,” says Mayor Ken Sim. “A huge thank you to all our volunteers for stepping up to keep stormwater flowing in our rainy city. I encourage everyone who can to join in and adopt a catch basin (or two) in their neighbourhood.”
Crews work hard to regularly remove leaves from streets and keep catch basins clear. With 45,000 catch basins across the city it is challenging for crews to attend to all drains during the rainy season. On average, the City receives over 1,000 calls per year from residents reporting surface flooding at catch basins. With more intense and frequent rainfall due to climate change, catch basin adopters are more important than ever to help rainwater drain properly.
The City of Vancouver has more than 38,000 catch basins still available for adoption. To adopt a catch basin:
- Go to adoptacatchbasin.ca
- Using the map, choose a catch basin to care for and give it a name.
- Consider adopting a catch basin that is marked with a heart on the map. These “needy” basins are prone to flooding and require extra care.
- Start caring for your catch basin right away. The best time to check on catch basins is before and after heavy rain or snow, and when trees have shed their leaves.
Remember, never rake or blow leaves from the boulevard or sidewalk onto the street. This creates a safety hazard for pedestrians and cyclists, can cause flooding, and is a fineable offence under the Street and Traffic By-Law (up to $10,000) PDF file (934 KB). There are no City By-laws that require residents to clear sidewalks of leaves.
Follow these safety guidelines when clearing catch basins:
- Do not use your hands to move leaves or debris blocking the catch basin. Instead, use a long-handled rake, broom or shovel to clear away materials.
- Wear bright clothing or a safety vest so you are visible to traffic.
- Be aware of cars, bikes and pedestrians, and stay out of the street whenever possible.
- Cross streets at signals or marked crosswalks, not mid-block.
Report hazardous materials
- Do not attempt to move or pick up hazardous materials like needles, broken glass, or dead wildlife.
- Report hazardous materials by using Van311 app/website or call 3-1-1
- Report discarded needles by calling the Mobile Needle Exchange at 604-657-6561