Auditor General releases 2024 Whistleblower Report
Today, Vancouver’s Auditor General Mike Macdonell released his 2024 Whistleblower report.
This is the first report under the City’s Whistleblower Policy since Council reassigned responsibility for whistleblowing to the Auditor General beginning January 2024. The policy authorizes the Auditor General to receive reports and investigate allegations of serious wrongdoing. This includes fraud, waste or other serious misuse of public funds or resources, as well as conflicts of interest likely to profit a City employee.
The Auditor General received 173 whistleblowing reports in 2024, containing 191 separate allegations. These reports resulted in 31 preliminary assessments, 11 investigations and one performance audit. The Auditor General’s investigations completed in 2024 resulted in 17 recommendations to the City to improve policies and processes.
City employees and members of the public can report serious wrongdoing via the Auditor General’s web page (https://vancouver.ca/your-government/auditor-general.aspx), email whistleblowing@vancouver.ca or phone (604-844-1797).
Mike Macdonell, Auditor General
“An effective whistleblower program encourages integrity and accountability. I’m glad Council tasked me with this vital role to support trust in the City and its employees,” Macdonell said.
Macdonell concluded “Being a whistleblower takes courage. I want City staff and the public to know that all reporters will be treated with respect and that all reports we receive will be reviewed thoroughly and confidentially.”
To view the report, please visit our website.