Vancouver appoints external reviewer for Code of Conduct By-law
Vancouver City Council has appointed Reece Harding to conduct an independent third-party review of the City’s Code of Conduct By-law.
The review aims to ensure the by-law is effective in providing oversight of the conduct of Council members and advisory board members, including ensuring that the scope of the Integrity Commissioner’s role under the by-law is clear. The review will focus on several key areas including:
- Whether the scope of the Integrity Commissioner’s role is sufficiently clear and does not overlap with other legislation or oversight bodies.
- The effectiveness of the by-law in setting out the rules for Council and advisory board members and the powers and procedures of the Integrity Commissioner in exercising oversight.
- The appropriateness of the by-law’s scope and its alignment with best practices.
- The adequacy of the complaint processes and procedures under the by-law, including the potential need for an appeal process.
- Recommendations to address any identified concerns with the operation of the by-law.
Reece Harding is a respected senior lawyer with extensive experience in municipal law and the roles of Integrity Commissioners in British Columbia. His expertise will be invaluable in ensuring a thorough and objective review of the City’s Code of Conduct By-law.
For more information, view the Terms of Reference for Independent Review of Code of Conduct By-Law PDF file (494 KB).