City seeks input on design concept for Skeena Terrace
We're seeking public input on the draft design concept for Skeena Terrace, one of Vancouver’s original social housing sites with 230 family homes.
Redevelopment of this site will provide an opportunity to increase the number of affordable housing units on site and consider new community-serving spaces.
Overall, the objective is to create a vision that results in an affordable, sustainable and vibrant community.
Important considerations
- Minimizing disruption to existing tenants through thoughtful and planned phasing, and offering first-right of refusal to those tenants for new units upon project completion
- Increasing the number of new affordable, energy efficient housing options on site
- Exploring a range of options for site design, height, density and massing considerations, which will enlist public and stakeholder input throughout the process
- Recognizing and enhancing landscaping and ecological assets
- Planning for complete communities including the provision of ample open spaces, places and other community amenities to support the site and surrounding area
- Improving accessibility and sustainable transportation connections
Tell us what you think
Share your thoughts on the site design concept for Skeena Terrace through our 5 to 10 minute survey, available until April 11, 2022.
Tenant and community feedback will help inform a preferred design approach outlined in a Policy Statement that will be presented to Council for consideration on July 5, 2022.
Visit our Shape Your City website for more information
Skeena Terrace is on a 10.8 acre site located at 2298 Cassiar Street in the Hastings Sunrise area, and is owned and operated by BC Housing. The property has several residential buildings on it that require regular, ongoing repairs.
In the summer of 2021, we launched public engagement on the draft Guiding Principles for the site. The Guiding Principles helped to develop design objectives and concepts for the site. We are now back seeking public feedback on the design concept for Skeena Terrace.