City Council approves ongoing grants to support Chinatown revitalization
Yesterday, Vancouver City Council approved four grants totalling $387,000 for community organizations as part of the City’s ongoing investments in ensuring the vibrancy of Chinatown. This is the second year of this grant program, which supports organizations in their continued work with staff on graffiti abatement and removal projects and community supports as part of the City’s Uplifting Chinatown Action Plan.
“These grants reflect Council’s ongoing commitment to Chinatown as a dynamic and thriving neighbourhood," said Mayor Ken Sim. "I am pleased to continue building on the work underway that has resulted in a cleaner and safer Chinatown. This new round of funding will help expand and broaden services, ensuring that our efforts bolster not just the physical infrastructure, but also the social fabric that makes Chinatown such a vibrant community.”
Grant Recipients
Grants funded by the City’s operating budget include:
- Chinatown BIA ($150,000) – Ongoing Graffiti Removal and Abatement Enhancement on Private Property Pilot Project;
- Chinatown BIA ($50,000) – Continued implementation and improvement of the Chinatown Safewalk pilot program;
- Chinese Community Policing Centre ($10,000) – Expanded Volunteer Graffiti Removal Program Pilot Project;
- EMBERS Eastside Works ($177,000) – Sustained deployment of the Chinatown Community Stewards Program.
Full details regarding the grants and recipients are available in the Council Report PDF file (178 KB).
Uplifting Chinatown Action Plan
In January 2023, City Council unanimously approved the Uplifting Chinatown Action Plan, designed to provide Chinatown with enhanced cleaning and sanitation services, graffiti removal, beautification, and additional community supports. Over the last year, the City’s efforts to help revitalize this historic neighbourhood include:
- Providing enhanced daytime street cleaning and additional micro-cleaning.
- Administering grants for increased graffiti removal on private property.
- Installing 15 additional larger-capacity public waste bins throughout the neighbourhood.
- Launching monthly volunteer and organization-led litter cleanup events through the City’s Neighbourhood Cleanup Party program.
- Implementing $2 an hour flat rate street parking at all metred spots in Chinatown.