Events, decisions, and reports at City Council for the week of February 28, 2022
Vancouver City Council met electronically this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.
Tuesday, March 1
This week’s Council began with some opening words about the situation in Ukraine by Mayor Stewart, as well as an International Women’s Day proclamation. The following communication, reports, and referral reports were then approved on consent:
- Changes to 2022 Council meetings schedule PDF file (79 KB)
- Community Housing Incentive Program grants PDF file (97 KB)
- 2021 HIP grant recommendation for 510 West Hastings Street PDF file (1.1 MB)
- 2022 property taxation - targeted land assessment averaging PDF file (4.7 MB)
- Local improvement - approval of billing rates for projects completed in 2021 PDF file (217 KB)
- Drinking Water Conservation By-law amendments PDF file (147 KB)
- Rezoning: 5337-5387 Willow Street and 826 West 37th Avenue PDF file (700 KB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 6409-6451 Cambie Street and 505 West 49th Avenue PDF file (1.3 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 5-15 West 2nd Avenue and 1751 Ontario Street PDF file (957 KB)
- Regulating self storage uses in industrial districts PDF file (483 KB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 2406 - 2484 Renfrew Street PDF file (2.7 MB)
- Zoning and Development By-law amendments to support the patio program for businesses on private property PDF file (68 KB)
Council then approved the following reports:
- 2022 Renter Services grants PDF file (241 KB)
- 2022 community services and other social grants PDF file (670 KB)
- Inventory of Parks, their status under the Vancouver charter and recommended permanent public park designations PDF file (886 KB)
- Board of Variance By-law update PDF file (64 KB)
Council then approved the motions to refer the following to public hearing:
- Amendment to the Regional Context Statement Official Development Plan By-law for 1325-1333 East Georgia Street PDF file (935 KB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 1477 West Broadway PDF file (2.1 MB)
Council also approved By-laws 1 to 7 PDF file (8 MB), and By-laws 8 to 12 PDF file (2.6 MB), with the exception of By-law 4, which was withdrawn from the agenda. They then approved the following administrative and Council members' motions:
- Approval of form of development - 619 to 685 West Hastings Street PDF file (2.2 MB)
- Approval of form of development - 1535 to 1557 Grant Street PDF file (4 MB)
- Requests for leaves of absence PDF file (12 KB)
- Changes to March and April business licence hearing panels PDF file (37 KB)
- Assessing vacant lands to support housing for BC's most vulnerable PDF file (55 KB)
- Training of BC workers in deep energy retrofit and climate smart construction PDF file (60 KB)
- Increasing Provincial incentives for installing solar panels (PV) and solar hot water PDF file (55 KB)
- Expanding BC manufacturing and construction of climate smart, made in BC, pre-fabricated wood made housing PDF file (93 KB)
The following motions were referred to the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities on Wednesday, March 2:
- Protecting BC coasts from acidic washwater dumping PDF file (72 KB)
- The unintended consequences of recent policy change to DCL waivers on affordable housing PDF file (22 KB)
- Centering community facilities and infrastructure in the 2023-2026 Capital Plan PDF file (107 KB)
- A regulatory framework to enable innovative urban activation projects PDF file (63 KB)
Council approved three New Business Items:
- Support for the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Rolling Truck Age Program
- Motion from the Vancouver Food Policy Council to Increase Equity of Participation on COV Advisory Councils
- Motion from the Vancouver Food Policy Council for Solidarity with Indigenous Food Sovereignty Movement
On Tuesday evening, a public hearing was held where Council approved:
- Miscellaneous amendments concerning various CD-1 By-laws PDF file (14 KB)
- Rezoning: 877-887 West 28th Avenue PDF file (17 KB)
- Rezoning: 5322-5477 Oak Street and 1006-1008 West 37th Avenue PDF file (22 KB)
- CD-1 text amendment: 650 West 41st Avenue PDF file (19 KB)
Wednesday, March 2
The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities began with the approval on consent of the Approval of Commercial Drive Business Improvement Area (BIA) Renewal 2022 PDF file (120 KB).
The Standing Committee then approved the following reports:
- Revisiting the City's single-use beverage cup fee policy PDF file (251 KB)
- Better together: Neighbourhood collective action pilot PDF file (187 KB)
- Quarter capital budget adjustments and closeouts PDF file (238 KB)
The Standing Committee also approved the following referred items:
- Protecting BC coasts from acidic washwater dumping (member's motion B.3) PDF file (26 KB)
- The unintended consequences of recent policy changes to DCL waivers on affordable housing (member's motion B.7) PDF file (58 KB) - with an amendment
- Centering community facilities and infrastructure in 2023-2026 Capital Plan (member's motion B.8) PDF file (63 KB) - with an amendment
- A regulatory framework to enable innovative urban activation projects (member's motion B.10) PDF file (64 KB)
A Council meeting was convened immediately following the Standing Committee meeting, approving the recommendations and actions of the preceding Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities and gave approval to By-laws 1 and 2 PDF file (60 KB).
Thursday, March 3
A public hearing will convene on Thursday, March 3, at 6pm, for Council to consider the following agenda items:
- CD-1 rezoning: 277-291 West 42nd Avenue PDF file (23 KB)
- CD-1 text amendment: 1002 Station Street and 250-310 Prior Street PDF file (21 KB)
- Miscellaneous amendments - Zoning and Development By-law and East FraserLands official development plan PDF file (23 KB)
- Heritage designation: 510 West Hastings Street (standard building) PDF file (17.3 KB)
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, March 29, at 9:30am.