Events, decisions, and reports at City Council for the week of July 4, 2022
Vancouver City Council met this week with some members joining electronically and others in-person, to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, and Standing Committee on City Finance and Services.
Tuesday, July 5
This week’s Council began with the approval of the following reports and referral reports on consent:
- Debenture Program 2022 PDF file (64 KB)
- 600 Drake Street: Statutory Right of Way - Granville Loops Road Construction PDF file (143 KB)
- Miscellaneous Amendments Concerning Various CD-1 By-laws PDF file (190 KB)
After that, Council approved the following reports:
- Historical Discrimination Against People of South Asian Canadian Descent PDF file (642 KB) - with amendments
- Amendments to Impounding and Vehicles for Hire by-laws – Towing Fuel Surcharges PDF file (177 KB)
- Friendship City Program PDF file (207 KB)
- 1025 - 1027 Davie Street - Application for an Amendment to a Liquor Primary Licence Liquor Establishment Class 3 (Pub) PDF file (1.3 MB) - with amendments
The following reports were deferred to the Council meeting on July 21:
- Policy Enquiry Process Directions Report - Addressing Social Housing and Secured Rental Housing Priorities in the Hastings East Sub Area Between Clark Drive and Campbell Avenue PDF file (332 KB)
- Policy and Directions – Application for Rezoning at 830-850 Thurlow Street and 1045 Haro Street PDF file (816 KB)
- Policy and Directions – Application for Rezoning at 1075 West Georgia Street PDF file (276 KB)
Council approved By-laws 1 to 28 PDF file (23 MB), then the following Administrative Motions and Council Members’ Motions:
- Approval of Form of Development: 3321 East 5th Avenue (Formerly 2050 Rupert Street) PDF file (5 MB)
- Approval of Form of Development: 1015 East Hastings Street PDF file (9 MB)
- Requests for Leaves of Absence PDF file (78 KB)
Council Members’ Motion, Commemorating Muslim Holidays PDF file (129 KB), was referred to the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services on Wednesday, July 6.
On Tuesday evening, a Public Hearing was held where Council approved:
- Heritage Designation: 347 West Pender Street (Hartney Chambers) PDF file (18 KB) - with an amendment
- Regulation Redesign – Draft Updated Zoning and Development By-law PDF file (23 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 418-496 Alexander Street PDF file (27 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 3970-3998 Main Street PDF file (23 KB)
The following items were deferred to the public hearing on Thursday, July 21:
- CD-1 Rezoning: 2009-2037 Stainsbury Avenue PDF file (23 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 906-982 West 18th Avenue and 907-969 West 19th Avenue PDF file (29 KB)
Wednesday, July 6
The Standing Committee on City Finance and Services received a staff presentation and heard from speakers on Vancouver Plan: A long range plan to guide growth and change PDF file (222 MB). Debate and decision were deferred to the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services on Friday, July 22.
Referred item Commemorating Muslim Holidays (Member Motion B.2) PDF file (74 KB) was further referred to the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities on Wednesday, July 20.
Thursday, July 7
A Public Hearing will convene on Thursday, July 7 at 6pm, for Council to consider the following agenda items:
- 2022 Annual Inflationary Rate Adjustments to Density Bonus Contributions PDF file (90 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 5589-5661 Baillie Street PDF file (113 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 1290 Hornby Street PDF file (113 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 131-163 West 49th Avenue PDF file (129 KB)
- CD-1 (313) Text Amendment: 2010 Harrison Drive PDF file (113 KB)
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19 at 9:30am. Find agendas and meeting reports on council.vancouver.ca.