Events, decisions, and reports at City Council for the week of June 6, 2022
Vancouver City Council met this week with some members joining electronically and others in-person, to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, Standing Committee on City Finance and Services, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.
Tuesday, June 7
This week’s Council began with the approval of the following minutes, communication, reports and referral reports on consent:
- Changes to 2022 Council meeting schedule PDF file (128 KB)
- 2022 annual inflationary rate adjustment to community amenity contribution targets PDF file (917 KB)
- Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) amendment - 2856 West 3rd Avenue, Logan House PDF file (285 KB)
- Regulation redesign - Draft updated Zoning and Development By-law PDF file (70.4 MB)
- 2022 annual inflationary rate adjustment to density bonus contributions PDF file (302 KB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 3970-3998 Main Street PDF file (5.5 MB)
- Text amendment CD-1 (567) East Fraser Lands Waterfront Precinct: 3480 East Kent Avenue South and 3522 East Kent Avenue South PDF file (5.6 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 901 West Broadway PDF file (2 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 5589-5661 Baillie Street PDF file (2.3 MB)
- CD-1 (313) amendment: 2010 Harrison Drive PDF file (3.4 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 1290 Hornby Street PDF file (3.7 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 131-163 West 49th Avenue PDF file (4.4 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 906-982 West 18th Avenue and 907-969 West 19th Avenue PDF file (3.2 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 2062-2092 East Broadway PDF file (2.3 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 418-496 Alexander Street PDF file (2.3 MB)
Council then received a presentation on the update from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Task Force PDF file (159 KB) and unanimously approved the report.
After that, Council approved the following reports:
- Development Application and Permitting Modernization Task Force – Report back on design guidelines and protection of trees by-law policies PDF file (227 KB) - with an amendment
- Graffiti abatement grants to Business Improvement Associations (BIAs) PDF file (206 KB) - with amendments
The decision on Metro Vancouver 2050 Regional District Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Bylaw No. 1339, 2022, Metro 2050 Acceptance PDF file (60.4 MB) is postponed to June 21, 2022, and will permit speakers to sign up to speak to this item.
Council then approved the following referral reports:
- CD-1 rezoning: 1780 East Broadway PDF file (3.6 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 625-777 Pacific Street and 1390 Granville Street (Granville Loops) PDF file (5.9 MB)
- CD-1 rezoning: 2009-2037 Stainsbury Avenue PDF file (2.2 MB)
Council approved By-laws 1 to 17 PDF file (1.5 MB), By-laws 18 to 22 PDF file (35.5 MB), and By-laws 23 to 27 PDF file (40.4 MB), then the following Administrative Motions and Council Members’ Motions:
- Approval of Form of Development – 6485 Manitoba Street PDF file (714 KB)
- Approval of Form of Development – 2450 Garden Drive PDF file (18.1 MB)
- Approval of Form of Development – 110 West 4th Avenue PDF file (4.1 MB)
- Consequential amendments to the Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer design guidelines, and the Downtown Eastside rezoning policy PDF file (4.1 MB)
- Requests for leaves of absence PDF file (80 KB)
The following motions were referred to the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services on Wednesday, June 8, 2022:
- Urging the BC government to end its immigration detention contract with the Canada Border Services Agency PDF file (120 KB)
- Dual licenses, cocktail culture, and vibrant urban nightscapes PDF file (147 KB)
- Scaling seniors housing needs in False Creek South PDF file (95 KB)
- Emergency actions to protect SRO tenants from displacement to save lives PDF file (100 KB)
- Moving climate goals forward with micromobility PDF file (122 KB)
- Relief for commercial properties impacted by the Broadway Subway construction PDF file (89 KB)
Wednesday, June 8
The Standing Committee on City Finance and Services began with Mayor Kennedy Stewart reading the Italian Heritage Month Proclamation and official apology for Vancouver City Council’s treatment of the Italian Canadian community in Vancouver during World War II. This was followed by the approval of the following items on consent:
- Downtown Eastside Plan implementation and strategic grant allocation - 2022 PDF file (202 KB)
- Sites for 2022 Alcohol Consumption in Public Plazas Program PDF file (555 KB)
- Contract award for 2022 gas system expansion and upgrades at the Vancouver Landfill PDF file (54 KB)
- Contract award for the supply and maintenance of sewage screening equipment for the Neighbourhood Energy Utility (NEU) False Creek Energy Centre (FCEC) PDF file (68 KB)
- Contract award for contractor for Granville Bridge structural repair and recoating phase 1 PDF file (47 KB)
The Standing Committee then approved the following reports and referred motions:
- Chinatown transformation: Cultural Heritage Assets Management Plan (CHAMP) strategic framework and UNESCO World Heritage site process PDF file (4.4 MB) - with amendments
- Making strides: Vancouver's childcare strategy and early actions PDF file (2.2 MB)
- Urging the BC government to end its immigration detention contract with the Canada Border Services Agency (member motion B.2) PDF file (78 KB) - with amendments
The following items will be considered at the reconvening Standing Committee meeting on June 15, 2022:
- Dual licenses, cocktail culture, and vibrant urban nightscapes (member motion B.3) PDF file (82 KB)
- Scaling seniors housing needs in False Creek South (member motion B.4) PDF file (78 KB)
- Emergency actions to protect SRO tenants from displacement to save lives (member motion B.5) PDF file (74 KB)
- Moving climate goals forward with micromobility (member motion B.6) PDF file (81 KB)
- Relief for commercial properties impacted by the Broadway Subway construction (member motion B.7) PDF file (75 KB)
Thursday, June 9
The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities reconvened on Thursday, June 9 to debate on the Broadway Plan PDF file (22.2 MB). The debate and decision on this item will continue at the next Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities meeting on June 22, 2022.
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, at 9:30am.