Herring Day to celebrate fish, conservation and adaptation to sea level rise
The public are invited to Herring Day, an in-person event at Fishermen’s Wharf in False Creek on Saturday, April 2 from noon – 3pm.
It is a chance to celebrate the herring that spawn in False Creek, connect with local environmental groups working in and around the creek, and see a range of coastal adaptation approaches presented as part of the Sea2City Design Challenge (Sea2City).
Early Sea2City design concepts will be on display, created by the two multidisciplinary design teams who have been exploring ways Vancouver can adapt to rising sea levels and coastal flooding.
The event will include family friendly displays and activities, along with City staff and local organizations, including the Georgia Strait Alliance, Fraser Riverkeepers, Squamish Streamkeepers, Sea Smart, False Creek Harbour Authority, and Year of the Salish Sea.
About the Sea2City Design Challenge
Vancouver is a coastal community defined by its proximity to the ocean, river, and mountains. We recognize the need to plan for future sea level rise and make neighbourhoods like False Creek more resilient to coastal flooding.
Guided by community values and design principles identified through earlier engagement with residents, business owners, and others who work and play in and around False Creek, two Sea2City design teams are working cooperatively with the City and project partners to:
- Explore coastal adaptation approaches that respond to the social equity, economic, and ecological challenges posed by sea level rise and coastal flooding.
- Investigate coastal adaptation approaches for sea level rise beyond one metre.
- Expand our toolbox of coastal flood management approaches.
- Increase public awareness of climate change and sea level rise.
Outputs from Sea2City will be used to inform the next phase of our Coastal Adaptation Plan PDF file (10.4 MB). There will be more public engagement and consultation in the future, and Council would need to vote on the design concepts before any coastal adaptation action is taken. The two Sea2City design teams are led by Mithun and PWL Partnership, together with a mix of local and international firms with practitioners based in Vancouver, San Francisco, New York, and the Netherlands.