Historic Vancouver Plan approved by City Council
By 2050, Vancouver will add approximately 260,000 more people and up to 210,000 jobs. The Vancouver Plan allows us to plan for our future and locate jobs and households to ensure more equitable growth.
General Manger of Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability Theresa O’Donnell
In a momentous decision today, City Council approved the first city-wide land-use strategy to create a more equitable, livable, affordable, and resilient city.
The approved Vancouver Plan introduces a new way for the city to grow by allowing more housing options across all neighbourhoods and builds complete neighbourhoods that connect people to public spaces, shops, services and transit.
The plan reinforces Vancouver as the cultural and economic centre of a dynamic, prosperous and rapidly growing region, which is expected to grow by about a million people over the next 30 years.
Significantly, the Vancouver Plan contains the first comprehensive ecological framework, making Vancouver more climate resilient by restoring ecosystems and protecting green space and tree canopies. It coincides with Vancouver’s future transit network and works toward the City’s climate target of having 90% of people living within an easy walk or roll of their jobs and daily activities.
In addition to the land-use strategy, the plan also contains an array of supporting policies, which provide guidance on topics such as transportation, community amenities, childcare, public spaces, food systems and more.
Learn more about the plan
Next steps
Now that the Vancouver Plan has been approved, Council-approved motions directing staff to consider how renter protections and developer contributions will be included as part of the implementation of this Plan.
The data-driven Vancouver Plan was developed through a 2.5 year planning process that involved extensive public engagement, technical analysis, and stakeholder input. It responded to public input for more housing, support for the local economy and climate protection.
Since this process launched in November 2019, staff engaged First Nations, residents, businesses, and more than 250 organizations through a wide-ranging process that involved more than 50,000 engagement touchpoints and 25,000 survey responses.
A focus of public engagement activities included working with equity-denied communities, and the organizations serving them. The Vancouver Plan will continue to advance reconciliation, equity and resilience initiatives through future land use planning during the implementation phase.
Theresa O’Donnell, general manger of Planning, Urban Design and Sustainability
“The Vancouver Plan is a significant step forward in city-building. For the first time in Vancouver’s history, we have a comprehensive direction for the future growth of the city that is coordinated with other levels of government,” said Theresa O’Donnell, general manger of Planning, Urban Design and Sustainability. “The Vancouver Plan will shape economic, transportation and neighbourhood planning decisions, and is a critical step in creating more predictability and certainty for residents and businesses.”
“By 2050, Vancouver will add approximately 260,000 more people and up to 210,000 jobs. The Vancouver Plan allows us to plan for our future and locate jobs and households to ensure more equitable growth,” O’Donnell said. “The Plan also protects industrial lands and supports businesses of all sizes, creating more opportunities for shops, services and home-based businesses throughout the city.”