Park Board closes CRAB Park Temporary Designated Area
This morning, Park Rangers notified the remaining people sheltering in CRAB Park’s Temporary Designated Area that it is closed effective immediately. Those choosing to remain are required to remove tents and structures during the day, in accordance with the Parks Control By-law.
This notice of closure follows a planned process, initiated on October 23, 2024, to support the transition of CRAB Park’s Temporary Designated Area back to daytime community use. The process included consultation with area’s intended users to ensure their needs were heard and transition supports were in place. Returning the area to daytime public use will help restore CRAB Park as a green space for the entire community.
This morning’s notification was preceded by visits from the City’s Homelessness Services team and other service providers who have been working to support people in the Designated Area to come inside. Each remaining individual has housing, health services, income supports and transition plans developed collaboratively by the City’s Homelessness Services Outreach Team, BC Housing, the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and Vancouver Coastal Health.
Throughout the day, Park Board staff, Park Rangers and members of the City’s Community Liaison Team are on site to support remaining individuals in gathering their belongings. Support includes providing bins, wagons and storage as needed. Staff are also available to support people to move their belongings to their new locations.
Those who choose not to transition indoors are permitted to shelter overnight in CRAB Park, with the requirement that structures be taken down by 8 am each morning, per the Parks Control By-law.
CRAB Park is a vital community space in the Downtown Eastside, supporting the health and well-being of local families, residents, and visitors who depend on open green space. Returning the area to daytime public use will restore access to this valuable resource to approximately 6,000 people within a 10-minute walk.
Park Board staff will be conducting an inspection to identify the necessary remediation efforts required to open. Staff expect to complete all repairs within 1 to 2 days before reopening this section of the park for general community use.
Additional updates can be found in our previous releases: