Park Board approves exciting vision for Vancouver’s sport fields
The future of Vancouver’s sport field system has been given a boost following unanimous approval last night of a 10-year Sport Field Strategy PDF file (261 KB) by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation.
Over the past three years, the Park Board has been developing a city-wide strategy to guide the maintenance, management and development of Vancouver’s much-loved sport fields.
We heard from players, coaches and the wider public on the factors which drive their use of fields and ball diamonds and the potential barriers which might limit access, as well as future priorities.
Participants highlighted current issues and areas for improvement, including amenity upgrades and enhancements, need for both basic neighbourhood fields and “hub” facilities across the city, and focusing available capital resources on equitable access to sport fields.
We heard that synthetic turf fields, including renewals, should be prioritized for future investment, and a need to focus on minor upgrades and repairs, an aspect of the system which has historically been underfunded.
Big moves and new directions
The Sport Field Strategy will address these challenges by enhancing the sport field experience through eight directions, including:
- The implementation of a renewed Sport Field Classification System to ensure that users are appropriately using well-maintained and managed fields and amenities.
- The implementation of an equity model for allocation, booking and permitting of fields.
- Facilitating spontaneous use of select sport fields and ball diamonds for residents.
The strategy also establishes five ‘big moves’, groupings of proposed capital projects:
- Renew existing synthetic turf fields
- Convert select all weather (gravel) fields to synthetic turf fields
- Create hub sites (parks offering three or more quality fields and supporting amenities in a single location)
- Establish dedicated ball diamond and rectangular field parks
- Establish sport-specific priority fields.
Delivering these ‘big moves’, in addition to the ongoing maintenance of Vancouver’s sport field system, will require capital funding and additional ongoing operating funding, as identified in the strategy.
“Vancouver’s sport field system is a vital aspect of recreational and social life in the city,” says Park Board Chair Brennan Bastyovanszky. “With approximately a third of parks in our system featuring a sport field, this strategy supports all users – from local residents looking for a casual kickabout to kids playing in a Little League baseball tournament – in accessing well-maintained and operated outdoor sport facilities.”
"We’re grateful to have participated in the consultation process, both as an organization and as a member of the external advisory group,” says Emrul Hasan, President of the Vancouver Field Sport Federation (VFSF). “Projects identified for funding should be grounded in data and a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion that reflects Vancouver's demographics. The VFSF fully supports this new Sport Field Strategy, which will serve as a vital roadmap for the future, and we look forward to its timely and effective implementation.”
Next steps
Staff will now begin integrating the strategy into upcoming city-wide discussions related to operating budgets and capital planning processes.
For more information, visit shapeyourcity.ca/sport-field-strategy