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Roundup of business at City Council for the week of January 16, 2023
Vancouver City Council met this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.
Tuesday, January 17
This week’s Council began with the mayor presenting the Lunar New Year proclamation. Council then approved the following reports and referral reports on consent:
- Appointment of Council representative to the inaugural board of the zero emissions innovation centre PDF file (31 KB)
- Business license hearing panels – January to July 2023 PDF file (41 KB)
- Police and Fire 2022 fringe benefit rate impact PDF file (80 KB)
- Auditor General Committee recommendations transmittal report PDF file (316 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 1925 Southeast Marine Drive PDF file (1.8 MB)
- Zoning and Development By-law amendments to simplify green building regulations PDF file (75 KB)
- Zoning and Development By-law amendments to support the patio program for businesses on private property PDF file (294 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 2518-2540 Grandview Highway South PDF file (1.8 MB)
- CD-1 (832) Text amendment: 319-359 West 49th Avenue (319 West 49th Avenue) PDF file (1.6 MB)
- Rezoning: 1977 West 41st Avenue and 5688 Maple Street PDF file (612 KB)
- Rezoning: 807-847 East 33rd Avenue PDF file (664 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 6151-6261 Granville Street and 1511 West 47th Avenue PDF file (718 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 396 Southwest Marine Drive PDF file (1.7 MB)
- Rezoning: 691 West 28th Avenue PDF file (608 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 8029-8225 Oak Street and 1012 West 64th Avenue PDF file (2.7 MB)
After that, Council approved the following reports:
- Uplifting Chinatown Action Plan PDF file (196 KB)
- 2023 Cultural Grants (CASC, Advance Grants, Capacity Report Back) - with amendments PDF file (291 KB)
Council then approved By-laws 1-13 PDF file (8.2 MB).
The following administrative and Council members’ motions were also approved:
- Approval of form of development - 6031 Dunbar Street PDF file (1.1 KB)
- Requests for leaves of absence PDF file (15 KB)
The following items were deferred to the standing committee on policy and strategic priorities on Wednesday, January 18:
- Renter office update and direction PDF file (1 MB)
- Increasing the climate-smart supply of renewable energy in Vancouver PDF file (37 KB)
On Tuesday evening, a public hearing was held where Council approved:
- CD-1 Rezoning: 1063-1075 Barclay Street PDF file (26 KB)
- CD-1 Rezoning: 5562-5688 Manson Street PDF file (25 KB)
Wednesday, January 18
The standing committee on policy and strategic priorities began with the approval on consent of contract award for Supply of Used Mattress Recycling Services PDF file (133 KB).
After that, the standing committee listened to the following presentations:
- 2023 Assessment roll presentation by BC Assessment Authority PDF file (1 MB)
- Adding missing middle housing and simplifying regulations in low density neighbourhood PDF file (3.8 MB)
- "Allowing multiplexes and streamlining regulations is a step in the right direction, adding more family housing and more accessible housing across residential neighbourhoods, while reducing carbon emissions and building healthier communities,” says Councillor Christine Boyle. “But this is a very small step. We need to do much more, including allowing more height for rental, co-op and non-profit housing in residential neighbourhoods too. If this is the only policy change that this Council makes on housing in our four year term, we will have failed. I am glad to see multiplexes moving forward, and I will keep pushing for more."
- Rupert and Renfrew station area plan update PDF file (3.9 MB)
The standing committee then approved the following reports:
- Contract award for the supply and delivery of large fire apparatus PDF file (134 KB)
- SRO Upgrade Grant to Atira Women’s Resource Society and Single Room Accommodation (SRA) Conversion Permit to Porte Communities for 208 East Georgia Street (formerly the London Hotel) PDF file (598 KB)
- Renter office update and direction (Report 3) PDF file (1 MB) - with an amendment
- “If you’re young, if you’re working-class, or if you just moved here recently, you’re probably a renter. I am disappointed by Council’s decision to defund our city’s Renters Office,” says Councillor Christine Boyle. “The effects of this cut will be heaviest on older tenants who have lived in their place for a long time, renters whose first language isn’t English, and other newcomers and low-income renters. No one should have to deal with an unscrupulous landlord, eviction pressures, rising rents, and unstable housing alone.”
The standing committee referred the following items to the Council meeting on Tuesday, January 31:
- Granville Street Planning Program – terms of reference and interim rezoning policies PDF file (1.4 MB)
- Increasing the climate-smart supply of renewable energy in Vancouver (Motion B.2) PDF file (111 KB)
A Council meeting was convened immediately following the standing committee meeting. In this meeting, Council approved the recommendations and actions of the preceding standing committee on policy and strategic priorities.
Thursday, January 19
A public hearing will convene on Thursday, January 19 at 6pm, for Council to consider the following agenda items:
- CD-1 Rezoning: 3575-3655 Kaslo Street, 3580-3644 Slocan Street and 2755 East 21st Avenue PDF file (24 KB)
- Rezoning: 7057–7075 Oak Street and 1015 West 54th Avenue PDF file (22 KB)
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 9:30am.