Roundup of business at City Council for the week of November 14, 2022
Vancouver City Council met this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.
Tuesday, November 15
This week’s Council began with the approval of the following communication, reports, and referral report on consent:
- Changes to 2022 Council meetings schedule PDF file (127 KB)
- Appointment of external auditor for 2023 PDF file (131 KB)
- Quarterly capital budget adjustments and closeouts PDF file (538 KB)
- Vancouver Heritage Register 2022 update PDF file (723 KB)
- Approval of Council initiatives – Business Improvement Area (BIA) renewals 2023 PDF file (992 KB)
- Miscellaneous amendments concerning various CD-1 by-laws PDF file (214 KB)
Council approved the following reports:
- Business licence hearing panels – November and December 2022 PDF file (152 KB)
- Applications to Government of British Columbia funding programs PDF file (155 KB)
- Extended hours for liquor establishments and restaurants during the 2022 FIFA World Cup PDF file (425 KB)
Council also approved by-laws 1-28 PDF file (15.2 MB) and by-laws 29-32 PDF file (36.5 MB).
They then approved the following administrative and Council members’ motions:
- Requests for leaves of absence PDF file (82 KB)
- Approval of form of development: 1405 East 15th Avenue and 3077 Maddams Street PDF file (17.6 MB)
- Approval of form of development: 477 West 42nd Avenue (Formerly 441-475 West 42nd Avenue) PDF file (1.7 MB)
- Approval of form of development: 1881 East 11th Avenue (Formerly 1837-1863 East 11th Avenue and 2631-2685 Victoria Drive) PDF file (7.2 MB)
- Approval of form of development: 2488 Granville Street (Formerly 1477 West Broadway) PDF file (7.2 MB)
- Accessibility audit of all City-owned assets PDF file (129 KB)
- In-line with the recently adopted Accessibility Strategy PDF file (2.5 MB), Council has approved a comprehensive accessibility audit of all City-owned assets. Council has requested City staff to report back to Council by the end of Q2 of 2023 with a fully costed audit of accessibility needs evident in all City-owned assets, including curb cuts and other accessibility-related initiatives.
- “This is the first step towards making Vancouver the most accessible city in the world,” says Councillor Lisa Dominato. “It’s important that we work towards a city where people of all abilities can be engaged, active members of the community.”
The following Council members’ motions were deferred to the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities:
- Adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism PDF file (178 KB)
- Urgent measures to uplift Vancouver’s Chinatown PDF file (149 KB)
- Enabling the requisitioning and hiring of 100 new police officers and 100 mental health nurses PDF file (127 KB)
- Transport pricing – “Stopping the road tax” PDF file (187 KB)
Council approved two new business items:
- Changes to the acting mayor, deputy mayor, and roster
- City of Vancouver representative endorsement to FCM
Wednesday, November 16
The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities began with the approval on consent of the following:
- 2022 Supportive Housing Integration Grants PDF file (100 KB)
- Vancouver Civic Theatres rental rates 2023-2024 PDF file (364 KB)
- Vancouver Civic Theatres Activating Spaces Grant 2023 PDF file (482 KB)
- Vancouver Community Sport Hosting Grant – fall 2022 intake PDF file (297 KB)
- Single room accommodation (SRA) demolition permit for 172 East Cordova and 307 Main Street PDF file (853 KB)
- Contract award for the South Kinross Park construction PDF file (48 KB)
- Contract award for security services PDF file (71 KB)
The Standing Committee then approved 2022 Cultural Grants (equity, Indigenous, artists, spaces) PDF file (241 KB).
The Standing Committee also dealt with the following referred motions:
- Adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism PDF file (55 KB)
- In-line with ongoing work to develop an anti-racism strategy, City Council voted to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism External website, opens in new tab
- “We stand shoulder to shoulder with Vancouver’s Jewish community in the ongoing fight against antisemitism,” says Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung. “Nobody should have to live in fear of being persecuted for who they are. The best means to combat hate is through education and the IHRA definition can help foster understanding. Education is more powerful than any punitive actions could ever be.”
- Urgent measures to uplift Vancouver’s Chinatown PDF file (57 KB) – with an amendment
- Council have directed staff to report back in January 2023 with a draft action plan to support urgent measures to uplift Chinatown, with recommendations for enhanced cleaning of Chinatown’s public realm, increased graffiti removal, more place-making, new public art opportunities, and increased involvement of the local community in these efforts.
- “Chinatown is a historic and much-loved part of our city,“ says Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung. “Residents and business owners shouldn’t have to worry about repeat acts of vandalism and nuisance graffiti, as well as general decay. Today’s motion will scale up efforts to help restore and uplift Chinatown as a vibrant, safe, and thriving neighbourhood.”
Due to time constraints, Council heard from speakers for the following items and referred debate and decision to the reconvening Standing Committee on November 22, 2022, at 3pm: