Traffic impacts for upcoming festival weekend in Stanley Park
Drivers using the Lions Gate Bridge are asked to plan their journeys over the next two weekends and expect significant delays as the BC's Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure commences nighttime work as part of its bridge resurfacing project External website, opens in new tab.
Vehicle congestion at the entry and exit from Stanley Park is expected while the work is underway during the Great Outdoors Comedy Festival in Stanley Park this weekend. Review the traffic advisory map for the festival PDF file (1.7 MB)
Traffic impacts
Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16: 10pm to 8am
- Lions Gate Bridge and Stanley Park Causeway – One lane open to single-lane alternating traffic
- Northbound access to Prospect Point from Stanley Park Causeway – Full closure
Visit gov.bc.ca/lionsgatebridge External website, opens in new tab for more information about upcoming road closures.
Parking interruptions
Monday, September 11 to Tuesday, September 19: Totem Pole Parking Lot
- Closed to the public for festival use
- Tour bus and accessible parking relocated to Stanley Park Drive
Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16: Upper Cricket Parking Lot
- Reserved for festival attendees
- Designated area for ride-share drop-offs, pick-ups, and an accessible entrance
Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16: Lower Avison Parking Lot
- Reserved for accessible and crew parking
Plan ahead and expect delays
We are asking park visitors to consider leaving their vehicles at home while this work is underway. Alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit, walking, biking, and rolling will be the best options to get to and around the park during the festival.
For those cycling to the park, the seawall will remain open throughout the event and at least one sidewalk will remain open on the Lions Gate Bridge. Please be aware of recent traffic pattern changes, particularly in the Ceperley Meadow area. Please exercise caution, be mindful of other lane users and observe all signage in the area.