Share your thoughts on a bold new vision for the West End waterfront
Following extensive engagement with Vancouver’s residents, visitors and local businesses, the draft concept design for the future of the West End’s waterfront has been revealed and is now open for feedback.
“We know how cherished the West End waterfront is for both residents and visitors, but it’s clear that its long-term future is dependent on the decisions we make today”, says Tiina Mack, Director of Planning and Park Development at the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation. “The new concept design marks not only a critical next step in our approach to coastal adaptation, but also captures the many challenges and opportunities when reimagining cities of the future.”
Imagine West End Waterfront External website, opens in new tab is a bold, 30-year plan for the city’s coastal beaches and parks stretching between Burrard Bridge and Stanley Park. From sea level rise to population growth, aging infrastructure to habitat enhancement, the draft concept design addresses known challenges and seizes opportunities for the area, building on feedback from residents, visitors and businesses on what they love about the waterfront area today.
From today until November 26, the public is invited to review the design and tell us how the proposed elements might meet the needs of the community for the next 30 years.
The feedback will inform the final West End Waterfront Plan, due to go to the Vancouver Park Board and City Council for decision in spring 2024. If approved, elements of the plan will be implemented through a phased approach, as funding allows.
Opportunities to get involved
We thank those who have participated in the engagement process to date and hope that they see their own ambitions reflected in the draft concept plan. For those looking to add their voice to the conversation and help shape the future of the West End waterfront, there are several ways to get involved.
- Share feedback and ideas in the online survey External website, opens in new tab (live until November 26)
- Take part in our open house events:
- UBC Robson Square (November 18, 2-5pm)
- Vancouver Aquatic Centre lobby (November 16, 5-8pm)
- Stay up to date with the project by visiting the Shape Your City page External website, opens in new tab and signing up to the mailing list
About Imagine West End Waterfront
The West End waterfront includes four existing parks: English Bay Beach Park, Sunset Beach Park, Alexandra Park, and Morton Park, as well as the Seaside Greenway and Beach Avenue. The project area stretches from the Burrard Street Bridge up to, but not including, Stanley Park.
To learn more about the project, visit the Shape Your City page: shapeyourcity.ca/west-end-waterfront External website, opens in new tab
Building a resilient West End waterfront
Imagine West End Waterfront is part of the Park Board and City’s coordinated approach to improving Vancouver’s coastal resilience in the long term.
Over the next 80 years, sea levels are expected to rise by around a metre and Vancouver’s shorelines will be hit by frequent coastal storm surges.
Among the features of the draft concept plan are proposals to raise the height of the West End’s shoreline to protect and enhance the beach, and the introduction of intertidal marsh habitat and habitat islands. These features will ensure the area and its facilities can better withstand future climate challenges.