Who and what did Vancouver kids vote for?
As adult voters headed out to vote, kids across Vancouver also had a chance to cast their ballot through the City’s Kids Vote program, and Student Vote program ran by CIVIX External website, opens in new tab and local schools.
Kids Vote
On Saturday, October 1 and Saturday, October 8, kids aged 12 and under were able to go to an advance voting place with their guardian, and try out voting. Between the two voting days for kids, 473 ballots were cast. The highest age group of participants were six-year-olds, followed by nine-year-olds.
Of the kids who voted, 45% (215) like to go swimming in pools in Vancouver, with playing in parks and playgrounds as the second most popular activity with 32% (152).
For Vancouver kids who voted, parks, pools, and community centres are most important to them (176 votes/37%), closely followed by fire, rescue services, and police (134 votes/28%) as the next most important.
Science, technology, and mathematics (208 votes/44%) tops the chart on what Vancouver kids would like to learn more in school.
Finally, Vancouver kids who voted believe that kindness (168 votes/36%) is the most important quality in a leader.
Student Vote
The City has partnered with CIVIX for the third time to offer the Student Vote program for Vancouver students, grades 4 to 12. In Vancouver, participating schools received free learning resources and election supplies. These resources inform students about local government and the election process, while encouraging them to research into candidates and foster dialogue among students and their families. After learning about the election, students cast ballots for the official candidates in a mock election.
As of noon on October 15, 7,308 students from 58 schools in Vancouver have cast a ballot for the Student Vote program.
Students have chosen Ken Sim as mayor with 38% of the vote, Kennedy Stewart received 23%, and Colleen Hardwick received 10% of the vote, among other challengers.
The following candidates had the highest votes for the position of councillor:
- Dulcy Anderson
- Adriane Carr
- Amy "Evil Genius" Fox
- Pete Fry
- Asha Hayer
- Sarah Kirby-Yung
- Sean Nardi
- Alvin Singh
- Tesicca Truong
- Michael Wiebe
The following candidates were chosen by students as school trustees.
- Steve Cardwell
- Lois Chan-Pedley
- Kyla Epstein
- Preeti Faridkot
- Janet Fraser
- Aaron Leung
- Nick Poppell
- Jennifer Reddy
- Hilary Thomson
No race was held for the Park Board Commissioners.
Kids aged 16 to 17 years old can now pre-register to vote through Election BC’s website External website, opens in new tab.
2022 Vancouver election
Get the unofficial election results of the Vancouver election.
Official election results will be declared on October 19 at 4pm.
Vancouver voters will be electing a mayor, 10 councillors, seven Park Board commissioners, and nine school trustees who hold these positions for the next four years. In addition, Vancouver voters will vote on their support or opposition to the Capital Plan borrowing questions.