About 743 results
PDF - False Creek Flats phase 1 update: summary of public input
the Flats through City Studios businesses engaged...PDF - False Creek Flats info board Jan 2017 part 1
nearly all of Vancouver’s inner-city industrial lands have...600 participants, the City of Vancouver has drafted aPDF - Records for the Election Strategy meetings and CMT Federal Priorities meeting 2016-011
Council - DL <CCDTMACDL@vancouver.ca> Cc: City Manager's Correspondence...PDF - oakridge-open-house-boards-from-developer-all.pdf
was established in Vancouver in 1992 and...innovative projects in Vancouver and around thePDF - Langara Gardens Consultation Summary - 2016
1, 2015, the City hosted two open...planning program. The City, at the request...policy planning program. City staff and representativesPDF - Council Memo - RTS 13982 - Neighbourhood Traffic Management Program Update
data from the City of Vancouver and third party...the best available citywide data. Data sourcesPDF - Grandview-Woodland Neighbourhood Transportation and Parking Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting notes February 23 2017
• Laura Chow, Vancouver Coastal Health •...Stinson, BEST • City staff: Dale Bracewell...Question: How does City set speed limits, and whatPDF - Phase one engagement summary - Imagine Gastown Streets 2017-2018
s streets. The City of Vancouver has begun a...PDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2022-234
Development, Buildings, & Licensing City of Vancouver I 515 W...will work to City of Vancouver - FOi 2022-234PDF - Hastings workshop backgrounder (Grandview-Woodland Community Plan)
of the Grandview‐Woodland Citizens’ Assembly. Hastings Sub‐Area...April 2012, the City of Vancouver launched a Community