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PDF - Providence Display Boards for COV OH 2016-03-08.pdf
vision for the new St. Paul’s...primary care, the new St. Paul’s...of Care The new St. Paul’s...specialized care. The new hospital will alsoGreen grants
website, opens in new tab Administered by...website, opens in new tab for details...website, opens in new tab Accomplishments FromAmendments to zoning and land use documents
updated to include new affordable housing and...7) into a new R1-1 district2019-2022 Capital Plan
overview. Existing assets New assets 2019-2022...2022 Capital Plan - New assets Get details...million Investments in new affordable housing: $498Rainwater management on private property
January 1, 2024, new and simplified requirements...in effect for new Part 3 (complex...1, 2025, most new buildings will requireCultural Infrastructure Grant Program recipients from previous years
and creation of new spaces, as well...space within a new facilty re-development...assist with outfitting new space with infrastructurePDF - Streamlining Rental Council Public Hearing Presentation
and Creation of New Rental Zones for...zoning for all new development to align...rental 2. Add new standard rental districtReplacing Firehall No. 5
5 replacement and new housing The City...Heights with a new, larger firehall that...website, opens in new tab Follow usOperating a small business
website, opens in new tab BizPal Finance...website, opens in new tab Innovation Canada...website, opens in new tab Government ofPDF - chinatown-e-bulletin-may-2021-english-chinese
歧視問題。參閱聲明全文,請瀏覽:https://vancouver.ca/news-calendar/news.aspx?&nwfd=19500101...Centre moves to new location • Dr...Garden reopens with new safety changes •