Development Cost Levies

Development Cost Levies bulletin (850 KB)

Find information on DCL rates, payments, exemptions and waivers, as well as information on regional development cost charges.

Most new development in the City of Vancouver pays Development Cost Levies (DCLs). A DCL is paid by property developers based on square footage. 

DCLs are an important source of revenue for City facilities such as:

  • Parks
  • Childcare facilities 
  • Social and non-profit housing
  • Engineering infrastructure

DCL districts

We have 4 DCL areas. These areas are divided into 2 district types:

  • The Vancouver DCL and the Utilities DCL districts. These districts are city-wide with some exceptions
  • Layered DCL districts. Developments in these districts are subject to the Vancouver DCL, Utilities DCL and the layered DCL

DCLs collected within each district must be spent within the area boundary, except housing related DCLs which can be spent anywhere in the city. View map of DCL districts

DCL bylaws

DCL bylaws establish district boundaries and rates. Find information related to districts in the DCL bylaws.

Annual reports and related documents

Get background information on DCLs. Select 'show more' to get details and documents. 

If you would like historical reports, email

Understand and compare

DCLs vs CACs vs Density Bonusing

Review a comparison chart of Development Cost Levies, Community Amenity Contributions, and Density Bonusing.

Community Benefits from Development

Learn about the community benefits that come with new development in our neighbourhoods.

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