Regional Context Statement

The Regional Context Statement demonstrates how the City’s existing plans and policies support the goals, strategies, and actions identified in the Metro Vancouver's regional growth strategy, titled “Metro 2050: Regional Growth Strategy" (Metro 2050).

Metro 2050 was adopted on February 24, 2023, and reflects the region’s collective vision of how housing, job growth, and population will be managed over the next 30 years.

The City of Vancouver will update the Regional Context Statement to align with the new goals, strategies, and actions set out in Metro 2050.

Updating the Regional Growth Strategy and the Regional Context Statement

  • April 2019

    Metro Vancouver began updating Metro 2040: Shaping our Future, the regional growth strategy

  • February 2023

    Metro Vancouver adopted Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy

  • We are here
  • 2024

    The City continues updating the Regional Context Statement to align with the Vancouver Plan

Recent developments with the statement

Metro 2050

February 2023 – Metro Vancouver adopted the Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy (23.9 MB).

June 2022 – City Council accepted the proposed Metro 2050 Regional Growth Strategy (Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1339, 2022). (60 MB).

April 29, 2022 – The Metro Vancouver Board referred the RGS Bylaw to affected local governments for acceptance by resolution. 

November 2021 – City Council has endorsed City Comments on the Draft Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Metro 2050 (119 KB), and conveyed appreciation to Metro Vancouver for the work to develop a new updated Regional Growth Strategy.

June 2021 – Metro Vancouver has released a draft of the updated regional growth strategy, Metro 2050. The update is being undertaken to consider significant drivers of change, integrate with Transport 2050 , and implement policy improvements. 

Council adopts Regional Context Statement

September 24, 2013 – Council adopted the Regional Context Statement as an Official Development Plan.

Regional Context Statement accepted by Metro Vancouver Board

July 26, 2013 – The Metro Vancouver Board has accepted the City of Vancouver Regional Context Statement (referred to Metro Vancouver on June 11, 2013). The final step is for Vancouver City Council to enact a bylaw that will adopt the Regional Context Statement as an Official Development Plan. This will occur in fall 2013.

Regional Context Statement referred to Metro Vancouver Board

June 12, 2013 – The Regional Context Statement was presented to Vancouver City Council on June 11. All policies included in the statement were approved and it has been referred to the Metro Vancouver Board for acceptance.

Open questionnaire closed

May 24, 2013 – Thank you for taking our online questionnaire and attending our open house. If your comments meet our written submission guidelines for public hearings, we will submit them to the City Clerk's Department as part of the official record for public hearings.

If you were not able to attend the event or fill in the questionnaire, you can still view the materials in the Documents tab and send comments directly to City Clerk's as part of the official record for public hearings.

Review the open house display information  

May 17, 2013 –  If you didn't have the chance to attend the May 16 open house or would like to review the information, the display boards from the open house are now online. You can also submit your thoughts on the Regional Context through the online form on this page until May 23, 2013.

The questionnaire is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Come to the open house and learn more

April 26, 2013 – Drop by an open house to learn more about the Regional Context Statement and how it's important for Vancouver's future. It’s your chance to discuss the statement with City staff, ask questions and give your input before it goes to City Council for consideration at the public hearing on June 11.

Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Town Hall, 1st Floor, Vancouver City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue

What do you think of the Regional Context Statement?

April 23, 2013 – A draft Regional Context Statement (RCS) has been referred to public hearing for June 11, 2013 by Council.

Prior to the public hearing, the RCS will be forwarded to Metro Board and Vancouver School Board for comments. City staff will also be gathering comments from the public through an online comment form until May 23, 2013.

Public members may also submit comments directly to City Clerks as part of the formal public hearing process. All comments received by staff in the online form which meet written submission guidelines for public hearings will also be submitted to Clerks as part of the official record for public hearings.

Related policies

View the list of policies, sorted alphabetically.

Details of the Regional Growth Strategy

Metro Vancouver's Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) is organized along five key inter-connected goals that provide a sustainability framework to accommodate the additional estimated 1 million people and almost 500,000 jobs that are expected in the region by 2050.

The RGS goals are:

  • Create a compact urban area
  • Support a sustainable economy
  • Protect the environment, address climate change, and respond to natural hazards
  • Provide diverse and affordable housing choices
  • Support sustainable transportation choices

Work leading up to the Regional Context Statement

The Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), titled "Metro 2050", was adopted by the Metro Board on on February 23, 2023. It was unanimously accepted by all local governments in the region.

All municipalities in Metro Vancouver are required to submit a Regional Context Statement (RCS) within two years of the adoption of the RGS. The RCS demonstrates how the City's existing plans and policies support the goals, strategies and actions identified in the RGS.

The RCS also includes population, dwelling and employment projections that show Vancouver's share of regional growth projections.

If applicable, the RCS must also show how the City’s plans and policies will be made consistent with the RGS over time.