Zoning and land use document library

What you need to know

Development in Vancouver is guided by a collection of regulations and other related documents that set out the rules and expectations for what is possible.

Rules generally vary depending on where a property is located, and the type of project that is being proposed.

Find documents related to your property

To determine what can be built on a property, find the regulations and policies that apply for an address.

When you are ready to design a project in preparation for a permit application, review the applicable guidelines and bulletins.

Find the zoning district

Helpful resources

Looking for other regulations or development-related resources not included in this document library? Other resources that may be helpful:

What's changed?

Find out what’s changed recently with our by-laws, policies, guidelines, and bulletins. Review amendments

 Search tips

  1. Select 'Show all' at the top of a category.
  2. Press CTRL+F on your keyboard (or Command+F on a Mac) to open the search bar.
  3. Enter a search term to find documents within the category.

 Zoning and Development By-law

The use and development of land in Vancouver is regulated by the Zoning and Development By-law and the official development plan by-laws.

If this document format is not accessible to you, contact Development and Building Services Centre to request the document in an alternative format.

Zoning district schedules

The city is divided into zoning districts, which are organized into five broad categories (limited agriculture, residential, commercial, industrial, and heritage), and comprehensive development districts, which are either area specific or site specific.


Policies provide Council-approved direction about issues such as planning principles, specific land uses, development in specific areas, and rezoning to guide decision-making and land use.

Rezoning policies

Rezoning policies provide Council-approved direction for changing the use and density of a specific area or site. They allow for development that the existing zoning doesn't permit.


Guidelines provide Council-approved statements. They provide guidance on a range of topics, including how discretion in the Zoning and Development By-law is applied, the application of regulations and standards, built form, use-specific requirements, or how policies are interpreted. These documents are used at the same time with a section or district schedule in the Zoning and Development By-law.

The guidelines here are organized by location and project type.


Bulletins provide Director of Planning-approved clarification on how regulations are applied and interpreted in specific instances.