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Review recent changes to our zoning and land use by-laws, policies, guidelines, and bulletins.
Amendments to zoning and land use regulations, whether in the Zoning and Development By-law or in an official development plan, require Council approval by adoption of an amending by-law following a public hearing.
Amendments to policies and guidelines are also approved by Council, but don't require a public hearing. Review recent events, decisions, and reports at City Council meetings
Changes to regulations, policies, and guidelines are outlined in more detail in staff reports to Council. Changes to bulletins are outlined on this page.
Explanation of amendments
Under each explanation, you’ll find links to the:
- Amending by-law and an outline of the changes (if applicable)
- Public hearing or Council agenda, meeting minutes, decisions, and related staff reports
Review amendments to:
Zoning and Development By-law
2025 Zoning and Development By-law
January 1, 2025
To help streamline the development permit process, Council approved changes to Section 3 (Authorities) that relate to Council’s approving authority. Council has delegated to the Director of Planning the authority to approve the form of development. The form of development for CD-1 rezoning applications is no longer required to be brought to Council as an administrative motion for approval. Instead, the Director of Planning will approve the form of development as regular practice, as long as the rezoning conditions of approval have been considered met. This is intended to simplify administrative steps, reduce items on Council agenda, and help shorten the timeline for permit issuance.
2024 Zoning and Development By-law
November 12, 2024
To make things clearer for the public, potential applicants, and staff, Council approved amendments to Sections 2 and 11 along with most district schedules to update the definitions of seniors housing and care uses. The amendments update the definitions and terms from “Community Care Facility” to “Community Care or Assisted Living Facility”, and from “Seniors Supportive or Assisted Housing” to “Seniors Supportive or Independent Living Housing”.
October 8, 2024
To encourage entrepreneurship and expand opportunities for small business owners, Council approved changes to sections 2 and 11 to modernize the home-based business regulations (formerly homecraft regulations). Other minor and consequential amendments were made to the RR-1 and RR-2A, RR-2B, and RR-2C district schedules to permit accessory uses, including home-based businesses. Minor and consequential amendments were also made to Section 4 and HA-1 and HA-1A, HA-3, and all C district schedules to exempt home-based businesses from additional floor area restrictions.
Section 2 was amended to update the definition for short term rental accommodation to align with provincial legislation.
June 30, 2024
To implement Bill 44–Provincial Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation, Council approved changes to the Zoning and Development By-law to allow multiplexes and to simplify regulations in RT-7, RT-9, and the First Shaughnessy (FSD) district schedules. Other minor and consequential amendments were made to the R1-1 and RT-8 district schedules to reflect renamed guidelines titles. Schedule F was updated to include new affordable housing and amenity share rates for RT-7, RT-9 and FSD.
- Amending By-law 14075 PDF file (2 MB)
- Amending By-law 14088 PDF file (973 KB)
- Council agenda – June 25, 2024
- Council agenda – June 26, 2024
April 23, 2024
To reflect miscellaneous amendments, Sections 2, 9, 10, and 11, various district schedules, and Schedule F were updated.
April 9, 2024
Sections 2, 4, 11, and most district schedules were amended to regulate and enable the implementation of a shared e-scooter system (SES) in Vancouver. Minor by-law amendments were also made to Public Bike Share (PBS) to ensure consistency for both shared micromobility systems.
March 12, 2024
Section 10.22 was amended to provide an outright height increase for mass timber buildings.
February 6, 2024
The I-2 District Schedule was amended to correct an inadvertent omission from Amending By-law 13898.
January 23, 2024
Section 2 and the I-2 District Schedule were amended to support the implementation of the Vancouver Plan and our Employment Lands and Economy Review by:
- Improving flexibility and modernizing permitted uses
- Removing barriers and encouraging the provision of artist studio—class B to provide more opportunities for artists in industrial areas
- Aligning regulations, removing outdated clauses, and correcting unintended errors
January 1, 2024
Council has transitioned rainwater management requirements from the Zoning and Development By-law into the Building By-law to streamline the issuing of development, building, and occupancy permits. Sections 2 and 4 are simplified, and Schedule I is repealed. Review more details of this change
2023 Zoning and Development By-law
November 14, 2023
Section 11 was amended to allow wine-on-shelf sales in grocery stores.
October 31, 2023
Sections 2, 4, 11, and several district schedules were amended to change the name and definition of arts and culture indoor event to arts and culture event, increase the maximum frequency to 6 days per month, and update regulations to permit use of adjoining outdoor space on private property.
October 17, 2023
As part of the Adding Missing Middle Housing and Simplifying Regulations project to allow multiplexes in low density neighbourhoods and simplify regulations in low density (RS) residential zones, Council approved changes to the Zoning and Development By-law to consolidate the 9 RS zoning districts (RS-1, RS-1A, RS-1B, RS-2, RS-3, RS-3A, RS-5, RS-6, and RS-7) into a new R1-1 district. Other minor and consequential amendments were made to various sections, zoning district schedules, and general schedules. Further details can be found in Appendix H of the Council report.
June 27, 2023
Section 2, Section 11, Schedule F, and the I-1; I-1A; I-1B; I-1C; and IC-1 and IC-2 district(s) schedules were amended to reflect the implementation of Broadway Plan policies to incentivize industrial development through increased height and density and provide greater flexibility of uses, including consideration for childcare and arts and culture.
The IC-1 and IC-2 Districts Schedule was separated into the IC-1 District Schedule and IC-2 District Schedule with areas rezoned between IC-1 and IC-2 to isolate major Broadway Plan-related amendments to Burrard Slopes. The C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 district schedules were amended to extend city-wide 6-storey secured rental housing allowances to the C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 zoning districts in the Broadway Plan area.
May 30, 2023
Schedule F and the I-1A; I-1B; I-3; FC-2; RM-8, RM-8N, RM-8A, and RM-8AN; RM-9A and RM-9AN; RM-9, RM-9N, and RM-9BN; RM-10 and RM-10N; RM-11 and RM-11N; and RM-12N District(s) Schedules were amended to reflect the recalibration of 4 density bonus contribution rates effective September 30, 2023, along with an exemption for secured market rental development in the RM-10N district schedule and expanded definitions of amenity and affordable housing shares across all density bonus zones.
April 26, 2023
Sections 2, 4, 5, and 10, Schedules E and F, and various district schedules were updated to reflect minor and miscellaneous amendments.
March 28, 2023
Schedule E was amended for the building line at Hastings St (north side) from Cassiar St to Boundary Rd from 4.3 metres to 1.2 metres and 3.69 metres to 0.59 metres, as applicable. This creates a consistent building line that supports a comfortable pedestrian environment and improves efficiency for the development permitting process.
March 15, 2023
The C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 district schedules were amended to remove energy and emissions requirements.
March 7, 2023
Section 10 and several district(s) schedules were amended to allow permanent patios for cabarets, cultural and recreational clubs, retail stores, restaurants, neighbourhood grocery stores, neighbourhood public houses, and grocery or drug stores.
Updates include: deleting section 10.35 and various amendments to the RM-5, RM-5A, RM-5B, RM-5C, and RM-5D; RM-6; C-1; C-2; C-2B; C-2C; C-2C1; C-3A; C-5, C-5A, and C-6; C-7 and C-8; FC-1; FC-2; I-1; I-1A; I-1B; I-1C; I-3; IC-1 and IC-2; IC-3; MC-1 and MC-2; HA-1 and HA-1A; HA-2; and HA-3 district(s) schedules.
2022 Zoning and Development By-law
November 14, 2022
As a part of the Regulation Redesign Project to simplify and standardize the land use framework, Council approved changes to the entire Zoning and Development By-law, including the upfront sections, general schedules, and zoning district schedules. Approved on July 5, 2022, and enacted on July 20, 2022, the changes came into effect on November 14, 2022.
Notable updates include: a reordering and relabeling of some of the upfront sections; the deconsolidation of the RM-9, RM-9A, RM-9N, RM-9AN, and RM-9BN districts schedule into the RM-9A and RM-9AN districts schedule and the RM-9, RM-9N, and RM-9BN districts schedule; standardized language, tables, and diagrams; reorganized internal sections hyperlinks; and provided accessibility features.
July 20, 2022
Schedule F was amended to reflect 2022 annual inflationary adjustments to density bonus contributions that is available in certain zoning districts.
June 7, 2022
Council amended the Zoning and Development By-law in the FC-1 (East False Creek) District to reflect increases in FSR to facilitate the delivery of 100% social housing.
May 17, 2022
Section 11 was updated by adding a new section “11.23A” about the regulation of mini-storage warehouse.
April 26, 2022
Section 10 has been amended to extend allowance of outdoor patios for businesses with patio restrictions on private property to March 31, 2023.
Through the CD-1 rezoning of 1616-1698 West Georgia Street, Part II of Schedule E “Buildings Lines” was updated to reflect Council’s decision to strike out the entire entry for “Alberni Street, north side, from Bidwell Street easterly”.
March 29, 2022
Sections 4, 10, and various district schedules have been updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments.
January 25, 2022
C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 district schedules were amended to allow new secured rental buildings up to six storeys outside of areas subject to recent and ongoing community planning programs. Three new standard rental district schedules (RR-1, RR-2A, RR-2B and RR-2C, and RR-3A and RR-3B) were also introduced for use in rezoning applications under the Secured Rental Policy. Section 2 and 9 were amended to include a new definition for "Residential Rental Tenure" and reference the new residential rental zones.
The following district schedules are superseded versions and should only be used for in-stream development permit applications accepted on or before February 11, 2022.
2021 Zoning and Development By-law
December 8, 2021
Zoning and Development Fee By-law was amended to reflect new fees.
November 16, 2021
Section 4 was amended to allow certain changes in use without the requirement for a development permit.
October 21, 2021
Various industrial district schedules, the FC-2 district schedule and section 10.29A.1 were amended to allow patios on private property for liquor manufacturers with a lounge endorsement.
October 19, 2021
Schedule E was amended to remove the Building line along the west side of Alma Street, north of West 4th Avenue.
The FC-2 District Schedule was amended to facilitate development and meet the intent of the False Creek Flats Area Plan.
September 22, 2021
Section 4 was amended to enable issuance of a building permit before the development permit is issued in limited circumstances.
September 21, 2021
Schedule F was amended to reflect 2021 annual inflationary adjustments to density bonus contributions available in certain zoning districts.
July 20, 2021
Sections 2, 6, 9, 10, and various district schedules were amended to simplify height regulations by introducing definitions for height and decorative roof, updating the definition for base surface, and amending section 10.18 Height to provide more flexibility for access to rooftop amenity spaces and to make various housekeeping amendments.
May 18, 2021
The RM-3A, RM-4, and RM-4N zoning districts were amended to allow development of up to six storeys where 100% of the residential floor area is developed as social housing, or social housing in conjunction with a child day care facility.
April 27, 2021
The C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 zoning districts were amended to extend requirement for one-for-one replacement of existing rental housing units to these zones. This amendment further protects the existing rental stock by expanding the RHS ODP requirements to these districts. Section 2 and 4 were also updated to reflect new definitions and updated regulations for the issuance of development permits.
February 23, 2021
Amendments to Section 2 and Section 10 to support mass timber construction in new buildings that are seven storeys or higher.
Various district schedules and Section 11 updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments.
February 9, 2021
Various I, IC, M, and MC district schedules were amended to remove certain date and floor area conditions for Artist Studios.
Amendments to all RS, RT, and RM schedules to support existing and new neighbourhood grocery stores.
I-1C District Schedule was adopted to guide rezoning along the south side of 2nd Avenue between Yukon and Quebec streets. I-1 District Schedule was amended to allow Health Care Office as a conditionally permitted use.
January 20, 2021
Various RM district schedules were amended to reflect an amendment to the Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan.
Section 10 was amended to add Zero Emissions Building Features.
2020 Zoning and Development By-law
November 24, 2020
Zoning and Development Fee By-law and Miscellaneous Fees amended to reflect new fees.
October 27, 2020
Section 10 was updated to reflect changes to temporary patios.
Schedule F updated to reflect current fees.
July 24, 2020
Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, and 14 and all zoning district schedules were amended to clarify relaxations and powers of discretion, update terms for porches, decks, balconies, and housekeeping.
June 30, 2020
Section 10 was updated to give temporary permission to carry on a use outside a completely enclosed building.
June 23, 2020
Sections 3 and 10 and various RS district schedules were amended to repair and clarify the regulations for the construction of basements and cellars in new houses.
March 31, 2020
Section 10 and various district schedules were updated to reflect changes to Passive House regulations.
February 11, 2020
Various sections, district schedules, and Schedule F updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments
2019 Zoning and Development By-law
December 10, 2019
Zoning and Development Fee By-law and Miscellaneous Fees amended to reflect new fees.
November 5, 2019
Various sections and district schedules were amended to reflect changes to the Rental Housing Unit definition.
The Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan was amended to reflect changes to the Rental Housing Unit definition.
September 11, 2019
Schedule F was amended to reflect 2019 annual inflationary adjustments to density bonus contributions available in certain zoning districts.
July 23, 2019
Various district schedules updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments.
July 9, 2019
Various district schedules amended to reflect the:
- Removal of the definition for Head of Household from Section 2
- Updated format for Sections 2, 10, and 11
- Consequential amendments to section 10 and 11 references
- Removal of gendered references
- Clarification of a relaxation provision of the C-5, C-5A, and C-6 districts schedules
- Clarification of height regulations in the I-3 District Schedule
May 28, 2019
Various district schedules updated to reflect changes to regulations about duplexes.
January 29, 2019
Various sections and district schedules updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments to floor area exclusions for high-performance exterior walls and housekeeping.
Official development plan by-laws
2024 official development plan by-laws
December 10, 2024
The Southeast False Creek ODP was amended to increase the total maximum permitted floor area and floor area for non-residential uses in Area 2B to allow for secured rental housing and commercial floor area.
November 12, 2024
The Downtown Eastside ODP was amended to align with the updated terms for senior housing and care in the Zoning and Development By-law.
October 8, 2024
The East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan was amended to increase the maximum allowable residential floor area and to document consequential updates to the Utilities Development Cost Levy By-law. The amendments align with Council-approved direction from the report titled “East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan and Public Amenity Financial Plan and Strategy: 10-year Review and Update”.
June 30, 2024
To implement Bill 44 – Provincial Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation, Council approved changes to the Heritage Conservation Area ODP. These changes included including the General Guidelines and Design Guidelines to align with the zoning changes to First Shaughnessy (FSD) district schedule, which allow multiplexes under the SSMUH legislation. Council also approved the repeal of the Terms of Reference for the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel in the HCA ODP to align with the provincial policy manual for SSMUH.
April 23, 2024
Council approved miscellaneous amendments to the Central Waterfront ODP, Coal Harbour ODP, East Fraser Lands ODP, False Creek North ODP, and the Southeast Granville Slopes ODP.
- Amending By-law 13999 PDF file (78 KB)
- Amending By-law 14000 PDF file (77 KB)
- Amending By-law 14001 PDF file (76 KB)
- Amending By-law 14002 PDF file (97 KB)
- Amending By-law 14003 PDF file (80 KB)
- Council agenda
Council approved amendments to the False Creek North ODP to allow increased social housing.
2023 official development plan by-laws
April 26, 2023
The Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan was updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments.
2022 official development plan by-laws
November 14, 2022
As a part of the Regulation Redesign Project to simplify and standardize the land use framework, Council approved consequential amendments to update definition references in the Downtown ODP, Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer ODP, Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction ODP, and the Southeast Granville Slopes ODP. Approved and enacted on July 20, 2022, the changes came into effect on November 14, 2022.
- Amending By-law 13450 PDF file (77 KB)
- Amending By-law 13451 PDF file (902 KB)
- Amending By-law 13456 PDF file (80 KB)
- Amending By-law 13463 PDF file (91 KB)
- Council agenda
June 7, 2022
The Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan was amended to reflect increases in FSR to facilitate the delivery of 100% social housing.
April 26, 2022
“Map 1. Regional Land Use Designations, Urban Centres and Frequent Transit Development Areas” was updated in the Regional Context Statement Official Development Plan for 1325-1333 East Georgia Street.
March 29, 2022
Section 6 in the East Fraser Lands ODP was updated to reflect miscellaneous amendments.
January 25, 2022
Coal Harbour Official Development Plan was amended with miscellaneous amendments for 480 Broughton Street.
Map 1 was updated in the Regional Context Statement Official Development Plan for 1636 Clark Drive and 1321-1395 East 1st Avenue.
2021 official development plan by-laws
July 20, 2021
Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer ODP was amended to expand exceptions to retail continuity.
April 27, 2021
The Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan was amended to extend the requirement for one-for-one replacement of existing rental housing units to the C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 zoning districts. This amendment further protects the existing
rental stock by expanding the RHS ODP requirements to these other districts.The East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan was amended to increase permitted floor area, increase the package of public amenities, and better align with City policy approved since 2006.
March 9, 2021
The East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan was amended to permit secured rental housing and retail uses on certain parcels, increase floor area to permit a community energy centre, and move the childcare centre.
February 9, 2021
Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer ODP was amended to expand exceptions to retail continuity.
January 20, 2021
The Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan was amended to clarify the one-for-one replacement of existing rental housing in RHS ODP-designated zoning districts may occur on a site within the same zoning district that has been rezoned to a CD-1.
Map 1 in the Regional Context Statement was amended regarding land use for the New St. Paul’s Hospital and Health Campus.
2020 official development plan by-laws
November 24, 2020
Map 1 in the Regional Context Statement was updated.
July 24, 2020
Various official development plans amended to update terms for balcony, porch, and deck and to clarify relaxations and powers of discretion:
- Southeast Granville Slopes ODP
- Coal Harbour ODP
- Downtown ODP
- Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer ODP
- False Creek Official and Area Development Plan
- Central Waterfront ODP
2019 official development plan by-laws
November 5, 2019
Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan amended to reflect changes to the Rental Housing Unit definition.
July 9, 2019
Various official development plans amended to update references to sections 6 and 11 and the removal of a gendered reference in the:
- Coal Harbour Official Development Plan
- Downtown Official Development Plan
- Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan
- False Creek Official Development Plan
- False Creek North Official Development Plan
- Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan
- Southeast Granville Slopes Official Development Plan
- Amending by-law 12483 PDF file (12 KB)
- Amending by-law 12485 PDF file (12 KB)
- Amending by-law 12484 PDF file (12 KB)
- Amending by-law 12487 PDF file (13 KB)
- Amending by-law 12486 PDF file (12 KB)
- Amending by-law 12488 PDF file (10 KB)
- Amending by-law 12489 PDF file (11 KB)
- Council agenda
May 14, 2019
Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan amended to reflect an increase to the maximum permitted floor area for residential uses in area 1B.
Policies and guidelines
2024 policies and guidelines
December 12, 2024
Council approved various policy amendments to the Broadway Plan (2022) to align land use policies with the Province’s Transit Oriented Areas (TOA) legislative requirements, improve and clarify select policies based on a review and early learnings from Plan implementation, and align with recent Council decisions and priorities (for example view cone amendments and incentives for hotel development). The Broadway-Arbutus C-3A and 2000 Block West 10th Avenue (North Side) Guidelines, Burrard Slopes C-3A Guidelines, Cambie Street (East Side) C-3A Guidelines, Central Broadway C-3A Urban Design Guidelines, Main Street C-3A Guidelines, and North Burrard C-3A Guidelines were repealed as many of these guidelines were significantly outdated and are not current to the new policy context of the Broadway Plan. Relevant guidelines have been incorporated into the built form policies in the Built Form and Site Design chapter of the Broadway Plan.
Council approved new policy for the Civic District (City Hall Campus) to be appended to the Broadway Plan, which will guide future rezonings and redevelopment of the Civic District over the long term.
Council approved the Broadway Public Realm Plan to guide the delivery of public open space and street improvements to support growth and liveability in the Plan area. This includes a Broadway streetscape plan to transform Broadway into a “great street”.
November 27, 2024
The Green Buildings Policy for Rezoning was amended to remove the energy modelling requirements from rezoning applications.
November 26, 2024
The Seniors Housing Rezoning Policy; Resident Relocation Policy for Community Care and Assisted Living Residences; CAC Policy for Rezonings; Broadway Area West of Vine Street Interim Rezoning Policy; Rupert and Renfrew Interim Rezoning Policy; Seniors Housing, Community Care Facility and Group Residence Guidelines; RM-1 and RM-1N Guidelines; RT-10 and RT-10N Small House/Duplex Guidelines; RT-11 and RT-11N Guidelines; and Arbutus C-7 and C-8 Guidelines were amended to align with the updated terms for seniors housing and care in the Zoning and Development By-law.
October 22, 2024
Council approved consequential amendments to the Artist Studio Guidelines, Live-Work Use Guidelines, and Arts and Culture Studios Technical Guidelines, allowing artist studios to have customers and employees. This change aligns with recent updates to home-based businesses.
Council approved the work scope for the Villages Planning Program, 1 of the first 10 projects to implement the Vancouver Plan. This includes the Villages Interim Rezoning Policy and amendments to the DCE Policy, which will apply for the duration of the planning program.
October 8, 2024
Following Council approval in principle of amendments to CD-1 (567) in 2022, consequential updates to the East Fraser Lands Area 1 Design Guidelines were made to better reflect increases in residential floor area and maximum building heights in the ‘Waterfront Precinct’ sub-area of East Fraser Lands-Area 1. The changes to the guidelines include updates to the title of the document, plan diagrams and maps, removal of references to ‘mill buildings’ and the ‘woonerf’, and consequential changes to form of development and architectural design directives.
Council approved the upgraded Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR) Policy that clarifies the register’s purpose and adopts a values-based, equitable, and people-centred approach to heritage evaluation, planning, and resource management.
A key part of the VHR is the Truth-telling Statement developed in collaboration with xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. This statement acknowledges the VHR’s Eurocentric colonial history, which contributes to the ongoing erasure and marginalization of Indigenous histories and cultural practices.
To implement the Vancouver Heritage Register Policy, Council amended the Heritage Policies (2020) by repealing Section 6.2: Demolition of an “A” Listed VHR Building. Since evaluation grades (A, B, C) were removed from both VHR policy and the updated Heritage Evaluation Methodology, references to “A-listed” buildings are now redundant.
September 24, 2024
Council approved an amendment to the West End Rezoning Policy to allow for an option, in Areas ‘D’ and ‘E’, to provide a cash-in-lieu of the social housing requirement outlined in 3.3(c) to be considered.
Council also approved an amendment to the West End Community Plan to allow for an option, in Areas ‘1’ and ‘2’ within the Burrard Corridor, to provide a cash-in-lieu of the social housing requirement outlined in 8.1.4 to be considered.
July 23, 2024
Council approved our first Seniors Housing Strategy to address the urgent need for more housing options and supports for older adults.
Council also approved the new Seniors Housing Rezoning Policy to increase housing supply, the new resident Relocation Policy for Community Care and Assisted Living Residences, with added protections and updated design guidelines for seniors housing, community care facilities, and group residences.
Council amended the Interim Rezoning Policy for Social Housing, Seniors Housing, and Institutional, Cultural, and Recreational Uses in Former Community Visions Areas to remove seniors housing, resulting in the new Seniors Housing Rezoning Policy.
July 10, 2024
Council repealed the View Protection Guidelines and approved the Public Views Guideline to modernize and streamline our guidelines, while continuing to preserve important public views.
Council also approved the Guidelines for Solar Access for Areas Outside of Downtown to establish a single, consistent approach to evaluating shadow impacts on approximately 85% of the city. This includes consequential amendments to the Cambie Corridor Plan, Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Plan, Marpole Community Plan, Arbutus Centre Policy Statement, Heather Lands Policy Statement, Langara Gardens Policy Statement, Little Mountain Policy Statement, C-3A Burrard Slopes Guidelines, and RT-3 Guidelines.
July 9, 2024
Council repealed the Chinatown Neighbourhood Plan & Economic Revitalization Strategy and the Housing Plan for the Downtown Eastside to advance and streamline policies as part the Vancouver Plan.
Council amended the Downtown Eastside Rezoning Policy and the Rezoning Policy and Guidelines for the False Creek Flats to remove an early review process that overlapped with existing rezoning procedures. Council also amended 7 guidelines to remove outdated submission requirements.
June 30, 2024
To implement Bill 44–Provincial Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation, Council approved changes to the Guidelines for Additions, Infill and Multiple Conversion Dwelling in Association with the Retention of a Character House in the R1-1 Zone to include the RT-7 and RT-9 district schedules. The guidelines were also renamed “Guidelines for Additions, Infill, and Multiple Conversion Dwelling in the R1-1, RT-7, and RT-9 Zones”. Council approved the repeal of the Kitsilano Point RT-9 Guidelines resulting from amendments made to single detached house regulations in RT-9. References to RT-7 were removed from the Kitsilano RT-7 and RT-8 Guidelines because they no longer apply to the RT-7 district.
To implement Bill 47–Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023, legislation, Council approved a new Transit-Oriented Areas (TOA) Rezoning Policy. This policy establishes the conditions for how new rezoning enquiries and applications will be considered under new provincial legislation and the related consequential amendments to:
- Most community plans, Below-Market Rental Housing Policy for Rezonings, Mass Timber Policy for Rezonings, Secured Rental Policy, Downtown Eastside Rezoning Policy, West End Rezoning Policy, and the Residential Rental Districts Schedules Design Guidelines to incorporate references to, and facilitate implementation of, new provincial legislation
- Grandview-Woodland Community Plan to remove the Pace of Change Policy and replace it with an enhanced Tenant Relocation and Protection policy and to enable additional height and density on select sites
- Community Amenity Contributions Policy for Rezonings to expand the commercial linkage target city-wide and provide a CAC exemption for inclusionary housing projects that comply with the Transit-Oriented Areas Rezoning Policy
June 25, 2024
Council approved the Rental Housing on City-Owned Land–Public Benefits Pilot Rezoning Policy to deliver new rental housing on up to 5 City-owned sites while piloting an innovative approach to delivering long-term, broad-based public benefits through generation of non-tax revenues.
April 23, 2024
Council approved miscellaneous amendments to the Rupert and Renfrew Interim Rezoning Policy; Residential Rental Districts Schedules Design Guidelines; Zero Emissions Building Catalyst Policy; Strata Title Policies for R1-1, RT and RM Zones; Secured Rental Policy; Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments; Guidelines for Retail Dealer - Medical Marijuana-Related Uses Near Youth Facilities; Heritage Incentive Program Policies and Procedures; C-2 Guidelines; Bayshore Gardens CD-1 Guidelines (1601 West Georgia Street) (By-law No. 7232) (CD-1 No. 321); Burrard Landing (201 Burrard Street) CD-1 Guidelines; Beach Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines (500 and 600 Pacific Street); Quayside Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 7248) (CD-1 No. 324); East False Creek FC-1 Guidelines; and the RT-4, RT-4A, RT4N, RT-4AN, RT-5, RT-5N and RT-6 Guidelines.
Council also approved the repeal of the Guidelines for Zero Emission Buildings in R1-1, RT and RA Districts and the Guidelines for Larger Zero Emission Buildings, in order to convert them to bulletins to align with document type standardization.
April 9, 2024
Council adopted the Mass Timber Policy for Rezonings to enable more new buildings of 8 or more storeys to use mass timber for their structure.
January 24, 2024
Council approved the ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands Policy Statement to guide the preparation of an official development plan, future rezonings, and development of the Jericho Lands over approximately 25 years.
2023 policies and guidelines
December 13, 2023
Council approved amendments to the Cabaret and Restaurant Guidelines to align with the new Policy on Establishments with Provincial Liquor Primary Licences, including a change of the title to Restaurant Guidelines.
November 14, 2023
Council approved updates to the Industrial Lands Policy that confirms the City’s overall objectives for industrial land, simplifies sub-area policies to reflect the Vancouver Plan and recently approved area plans, and it aligns the City’s policies with the Metro-approved Regional Growth Strategy, Metro 2050. This has been done as part of the City’s ongoing work to simplify, clarify, and modernize land use policy and regulations.
November 1, 2023
Council repealed 72 policies and guidelines to advance implementation of the Vancouver Plan and Council’s priorities to streamline permit approvals. Council also approved an interim rezoning policy to continue to enable rezoning applications for social housing; seniors housing; and institutional, cultural, and recreational uses within former community vision areas.
October 17, 2023
As part of the Adding Missing Middle Housing and Simplifying Regulations project to allow multiplexes in low density neighbourhoods and simplify regulations in low density (RS) residential zones, Council approved the repeal of related policies and guidelines and other minor and consequential amendments resulting from consolidating the 9 RS zoning districts (RS-1, RS-1A, RS-1B, RS-2, RS-3, RS-3A, RS-5, RS-6, and RS-7) into a new R1-1 district. Further details can be found in Appendix H of the Council report.
More substantially, the Guidelines for Additions, Infill and Multiple Conversion Dwelling in Association with the Retention of a Character House in an RS Zone have been updated to align with proposed multiplex options, simplify and clarify regulations, and other consequential amendments. Additionally, the Guidelines for the Administration of Variances for Zero Emission Buildings in RS, RT, and RA Districts have been updated to align with amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law to update floor area exclusions and other consequential amendments.
October 4, 2023
To standardize and streamline the delivery of below-market and market rental housing projects, Council approved changes to the Secured Rental Policy, Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program Rezoning Policy, Below-Market Rental Housing Policy for Rezonings, and the Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments.
July 25, 2023
To simplify rezoning applications, Council approved changes to rainwater management policies in the Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments and the Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings. Review a summary of the implications for new and “in-stream” rezoning applications
July 13, 2023
Council approved updates to the CD-1 (366) Beach Neighbourhood Guidelines and the CD-1 (324) Quayside Neighbourhood Guidelines to provide specific design direction for the delivery of social housing. Updates relate to siting, setbacks, floorplate size, and building height and include consequential amendments to other sections.
June 27, 2023
Council approved the introduction of the new Industrial Spaces Guidelines to clarify regulations in the district schedules and formalize a number of best practices to the construction of functional industrial spaces. Council also approved amendments to the Mount Pleasant Employment-Intensive Light Industrial Rezoning Policy and Guidelines (I-1C) to reflect the completion of the Broadway Plan and align the document with changes to the I-1C zoning district.
Council approved amendments to the C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 Guidelines for Residential Rental Tenure Buildings to reflect extend city-wide 6-storey secured rental housing allowances in the C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 zoning districts within the Broadway Plan area.
May 30, 2023
Council approved amendments to the Cambie Corridor Plan to reflect City-initiated rezoning of areas to RM-8A and RM-8AN.
April 26, 2023
Council approved minor and miscellaneous amendments to the Downtown Eastside Plan; RM-3A, RM-4, and RM-4N Guidelines for Social Housing; C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 Guidelines for Residential Rental Tenure Buildings; RS-7 Guidelines; RM-9, RM-9N, RM-9AN, and RM-9BN Guidelines; RM-12N Guidelines; Arbutus C-7 and C-8 Guidelines; Burrard Slopes C-3A Guidelines; Guidelines for the Administration of Variances in Larger Zero Emission Buildings; Guidelines for the Administration of Variances for Zero Emission Buildings in RS, RT, and RA Districts; Mini-Storage Warehouse Guidelines; Mural Guidelines; Secured Rental Policy Incentives for New Rental Housing; Strata Title Policies for RS, RT, and RM Zones; Victory Square Guidelines; and the Zero Emissions Building Catalyst Policy.
Additionally, Council repealed the existing RM-8 and RM-8N Guidelines and the RM-8A and RM-8AN Guidelines and replaced them with new combined RM-8, RM-8N, RM-8A, and RM-8AN Guidelines.
April 11, 2023
The Community Amenity Contributions (CAC) Policy for Rezonings was amended to reflect changes in the CAC Target Recalibration Report to increase 5 CAC target rates and add a CAC exemption for 6-storey rental with 20% below-market requirements in low density areas.
March 29, 2023
Council approved amendments to the West End Community Plan and West End Rezoning Policy to allow rezoning applications for 100% secured market rental, with a minimum of 20% below-market rental housing development in the rezoning areas D and E of the Burrard Corridor (West End Plan area E1 and G1). These changes are an additional tenure option for applicants to consider along with the existing strata/social housing option.
Council recently approved amendments to the View Protection Guidelines as part of implementation of the Broadway Plan. These amendments are specific to protected public views to City Hall, which impact development in the Broadway Plan area.
Council recently approved minor amendments to the False Creek Flats Plan as part of implementation of the Broadway Plan. These amendments are specific to areas of overlap between the area plans and help provide clarity on land use policies.
March 15, 2023
The Secured Rental Policy and the C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 guidelines for residential rental tenure buildings were amended to remove energy and emissions requirements.
March 7, 2023
As an early action under the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan, Council recently approved changes to the Still Creek floodplain boundary and Flood Construction Level Requirements. Consequently, minor amendments were made to the Grandview-Boundary Mixed Employment Area Plan, the Grandview Boundary Mixed Employment Area Rezoning and Development Policies and Guidelines, the Secured Rental Policy, and the Interim Rezoning Policy to reflect the Still Creek floodplain boundary.
Additional amendments were also made to clarify the Interim Rezoning Policy and consolidate content in the Flood Plain Standards and Requirements.
January 31, 2023
Council approved the Granville Street Interim Rezoning Policy (IRP) to govern any exceptions that allow consideration of applications for rezoning advice (enquiries), rezoning applications, policy enquiries, and development applications with heritage revitalization agreements, during the Granville Street planning program.
Council amended the Development Contribution Expectations Policy to set early expectations for development contributions, allowing landowners to consider the potential costs of providing required amenities and infrastructure when rezoning occurs in the future.
2022 policies and guidelines
November 15, 2022
Amendments to the Vancouver Heritage Register. It consists of additions approved by Council at public hearings on June 23 and July 5 and administrative updates.
Review public hearing agendas for:
Review Council agenda PDF file (172 KB)
November 14, 2022
As a part of the Regulation Redesign Project to simplify and standardize the land use framework, Council approved changes to over 85 guidelines. Approved and enacted on July 20, 2022, the changes came into effect on November 14, 2022.
Notable updates include the deconsolidation of the RS-3, RS-3A, and RS-5 Design Guidelines and the RS-3, RS-3A and RS-5 Design Workbook (It has been placed in its correct location in the bulletins section.).
July 22, 2022
Council approved the Vancouver Plan, a long-range land use plan to guide growth and change for the next 30 years. The plan proposes a new way of growing by spreading more housing options across all neighbourhoods, which sets a course for a more equitable, liveable, affordable, and sustainable city with a strong economy where people and nature thrive.
July 19, 2022
Council approved the Skeena Terrace Policy Statement to guide future rezonings and development of the Skeena Terrace site.
June 23, 2022
Amendments were made to the Vancouver Heritage Register with additions approved by Council at public hearings between March and June 2022.
Review public hearing agendas for:
June 22, 2022
Council approved the Broadway Plan, including consequential amendments to the CAC and DCE policies:
- The Community Amenity Contributions (CAC) Policy for Rezonings was amended to include the Broadway Plan area as a separate CAC application area. Specific amendments included changes to the “Table 1: CAC Targets and Eligibility Criteria” and “Map G: Downtown, Broadway Plan area and Rest of Metro Core” so that CACs from rezoning applications for 100% non-strata commercial developments in the Broadway Plan are allocated as per the Broadway Plan Public Benefits Strategy.
- The Development Contribution Expectations Policy in Areas Undergoing Community Planning was amended to remove application to the Broadway Plan area because the Broadway Plan is now complete, which provides the required clarity on allowable land uses, densities, and building heights across the area and confirms how and where CACs and DCLs will be applied.
In preparation of the Broadway Plan, a number of existing area plans, policies, and guidelines were reviewed and their contents incorporated into the Broadway Plan where appropriate. To avoid overlapping policy, these documents have been repealed: the Kitsilano Neighbourhood Plan (1977), Fairview Slopes Policy Plan (1977), Central Area Plan: Goals and Land Use Policy C-3A – Central Broadway (1991), Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan (1992), Broadway-Arbutus Policies (2004), Burrard Slopes I-C Districts Interim Rezoning Policies and Guidelines (2007), the Mount Pleasant Community Plan (2010), the Mount Pleasant Community Plan Implementation Plan (2013), and the Policy on Consideration of Rezoning Applications and Heritage Revitalization Agreements during Broadway Planning Process.
June 7, 2022
Council approved consequential amendments to the “Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer Design Guidelines” and “Downtown Eastside Rezoning Policy” following the amendment of the Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan.
Council approved the annual inflationary rate adjustments to the CAC targets. It will come into effect on September 30, 2022.
May 17, 2022
Council approved changes to the Building By-law and the Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings that advance three Council priorities for new construction under the Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP) and the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: Energy Use and Carbon Emissions (CEAP Big Move 4); Resilient Buildings; and, Embodied Carbon (CEAP Big Move 5). These changes also consolidate green building requirements in the by-law, reducing complexity and process for applicants and staff.
Council approved consequential amendments to the “Mini-Storage Warehouse Guidelines” following the enactment of Zoning and Development By-law amendments for the regulation of mini-storage warehouse.
March 29, 2022
Council approved the Rupert and Renfrew Interim Rezoning Policy (IRP) to establish the conditions under which new rezoning enquiries or applications will be considered while the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area planning process is underway. Consequently, minor amendments were made to the Grandview-Boundary Mixed Employment Area Plan, the Grandview Boundary Mixed Employment Area Rezoning and Development Policies and Guidelines, and the Secured Rental Policy to be consistent with the IRP and reflect the Still Creek floodplain boundary.
Council amended the Development Contribution Expectations Policy to manage potential land value speculation in the area around Rupert and Renfrew SkyTrain stations during the planning process and amended the Community Amenity Contributions (CAC) Policy for Rezonings to remove a CAC exemption that applied to some rezoning applications within the Grandview-Boundary Mixed Employment Area.
February 9, 2022
Council approved miscellaneous amendments to the Victory Square Guidelines; Victory Square Policy Plan; Guidelines for the Administration of Variance in Larger Zero Emission Buildings, Strata Title, and Cooperative Conversion Guidelines; and the Guidelines for Additions, Infill, and Multiple Conversion Dwelling in association with the retention of a character house in an RS zone.
Additionally, Council corrected the title of the RS-5 Design Guidelines to RS-3, RS-3A, and RS-5 Design Guidelines and amended the title of the Seniors Supportive and Assisted Housing Guidelines to Seniors Supportive or Assisted Housing Guidelines to match the defined term in the Zoning and Development By-law.
January 25, 2022
Council amended the C-2 Design Guidelines and C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 Design Guidelines (to apply to all commercial and mixed-use buildings) and added new associated C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 Residential Rental Tenure Design Guidelines (to apply to mixed-use rental buildings over four storeys) and new Residential Rental Districts Schedules Design Guidelines (to apply to development under the new RR district schedules). Consequential amendments were made to the Secured Rental Policy.
The following zoning district guidelines are superseded versions and should only be used for in-stream development permit applications accepted on or before February 11,2022.
2021 policies and guidelines
December 8, 2021
Council amended the CAC Policy to make rezoning applications in the Marine Landing Intensive Employment Area in South Vancouver subject to a negotiated CAC approach.
Hudson Street RM-4 Guidelines were amended to require that the acoustics report be prepared by a professional acoustical engineer.
Council approved new policy updates for Marine Landing to inform rezoning applications for affordable housing and intensive employment sites. Greater heights and/or densities are now permitted to achieve Council housing and job space objectives, beyond those originally identified in the Marpole Community Plan and Cambie Corridor Plan. The Marine Landing Policy Updates document should be used to supplement the two community plans.
July 21, 2021
The Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program (MIRHPP) rezoning policy was amended to extend the timeline of the MIRHPP to allow staff to consider new proposals until January 31, 2022 on a rolling basis, up to 20 projects. Council also made changes to the starting rent requirements and updated eligibility requirements for existing C-1, C-3A, RT, RS, and CD-1 zoned sites.
July 20, 2021
Miscellaneous amendments to RM-8 and RM-8N Guidelines; RM-8A and RM-8AN Guidelines; Guidelines for the Administration of Variances for Zero Emission Buildings in the RS, RT, and RA Districts; Guidelines for the Administration of Variance in Larger Zero Emission Buildings; Artist Studio Guidelines; and Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments.
Charles/Adanac RS-1 Rezoning Policy was repealed.
West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines was renamed RM-6 West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines.
June 23, 2021
Council approved the annual inflationary rate adjustments to the CAC targets that will come into effect on September 30, 2021.
June 8, 2021
RM-3A, RM-4, and RM-4N Guidelines for Social Housing were approved.
May 18, 2021
Strata Title and Cooperative Conversion Guidelines were amended.
January 21, 2021
The Mount Pleasant Employment-Intensive Light Industrial Rezoning Policy and Guidelines (I-1C) were approved. The Policy on Consideration of Rezoning Applications and Heritage Revitalization Agreements during Broadway Planning Process was amended.
January 19, 2021
Miscellaneous amendments to the Childcare Design Guidelines and West End RM-5, RM-5A, RM-5B, RM-5C, AND RM-5D Guidelines.
Fraser Street Rezoning Policies were repealed.
2020 policies and guidelines
October 6, 2020
Administrative update to the Vancouver Heritage Register.
September 15, 2020
Various guidelines, policies, and plans were amended to align with new definitions and regulations in the Zoning and Development By-law and for housekeeping.
- Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Plan
- Marpole Community Plan
- Victory Square Policy Plan
- West End Community Plan
- Norquay Village Character House and Retention Guidelines
- Victory Square Guidelines
- C-1 Residential Guidelines
- C-2 Guidelines
- C-3A Broadway and Arbutus and 2000-Block West 10th Avenue (North Side) Guidelines
- C-3A Burrard Slopes Guidelines
- North Burrard C-3A Guidelines
- Chinatown HA-1 Design Policies
- HA-2 Gastown Design Guidelines
- MC-1 and MC-2 Guidelines for Cedar Cottage, Hudson Street, East Hastings (Clark to Semlin) and False Creek Flats (Malkin-Atlantic-Prior) Areas
- RM-1 and RM 1-N Courtyard Rowhouse Guidelines
- Britannia/Woodland RM-4 and RM-4N Guidelines
- Broadway Station Area RM-4 & RM-4N Guidelines
- Joyce Street RM-4N Guidelines
- Kitsilano RM-4 Guidelines
- West End RM-5, RM-5A, RM-5B, RM-5C and RM-5D Guidelines
- RM-8A and RM-8AN Guidelines
- RM-10 and RM-10N Guidelines
- RM-11 and RM-11N Guidelines
- RM-12N Guidelines
- Multiple Conversion Dwelling Guidelines (RS-1A, RS-2, RS-4, RS-7S, RT-1 and RT-2 Districts)
- RS-6 Design Guidelines
- RS-7 Guidelines
- RT-2 Multiple Dwellings Guidelines
- RT-4, RT-4A, RT-4N, RT-4AN, RT-5, RT-5N and RT-6 Guidelines
- RT-10 and RT-10N Small House/Duplex Guidelines
- RT-11 and RT-11N Guidelines
- High Density Housing for Families with Children
- Micro Dwelling
- Housing Design and Technical Guidelines
- Balcony enclosure
- Heritage Incentive Program Policies and Procedures
- Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments
May 12, 2020
The Guidelines for the Administration of Variances for Zero Emission Buildings in RS, RT, and RA districts and the Guidelines for the Administration of Variance in Larger Zero Emission Buildings have been updated to consolidate, streamline, and update previous variances for Passive House buildings, as well as allow the variances to be accessed by zero emission buildings certified under other standards.
March 10, 2020
New Heritage Policies replaces the Heritage Policies and Guidelines.
January 22, 2020
The longstanding Community Amenity Contributions through Rezoning Policy was repealed and replaced with an updated Community Amenity Contributions Policy for Rezonings, which included edits to existing policies and the introduction of specific new policies.
2019 policies and guidelines
December 10, 2019
Various guidelines, policies, and plans were amended and repealed for housekeeping.
- Guidelines for additions, infill, and multiple conversion dwelling in association with the retention of a character house in an RS zone
- Housing plan for the Downtown Eastside
- Rezoning policy for the Downtown Eastside
- Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Design Guidelines
- Live-Work Guidelines
- Zero Emissions Building Catalyst Policy
- Vancouver Heritage Register
- Southeast False Creek Green Building Strategy for rezonings
- Hastings Sunrise Plan
November 19, 2019
Amendments to the Vancouver Heritage Register consisting of additions approved by Council at public hearing between January and September 2019.
Review public hearing agendas for:
September 11, 2019
Various guidelines amended to reflect the revised numbering in sections 10 and 11 of the Zoning and Development By-law.
June 11, 2019
Various guidelines and policies amended for housekeeping.
- West End RM-5, RM-5A, RM-5B, RM-5C, and RM-5D guidelines
- RM-7 and RM-7N guidelines
- RM- 7AN guidelines
- RM-8 and RM-8N guidelines
- RM-8A and RM-8AN guidelines
- RM-9, RM-9A, RM-9N, RM-9AN, and RM-9BN guidelines
- RM-10 and RM10N guidelines
- RT-11 and RT-11N guidelines
- Chinatown HA-1 design policies
April 23, 2019
New interim rezoning policy for the Broadway area west of Vine Street. The Development Contribution Expectations Policy in areas undergoing community planning was amended and approved to include an extended area west of Vine Street.
March 13, 2019
New Heritage Incentive Program Policies and Procedures replaces the Heritage Building Rehabilitation Program Policies and Procedures for Gastown, Chinatown, Hastings Street Corridor, and Victory Square. The Heritage Façade Rehabilitation Program Policies and Procedures was amended to be applicable city-wide.
2025 bulletins
February 18, 2025
To improve clarity and accessibility, the Heritage Assessment Process Bulletin has been repealed. The information has been updated and moved to a dedicated heritage review process page, which will make it easier to navigate heritage review requirements while making sure it aligns with recent policy upgrades.
January 17, 2025
The DCL Bulletin was amended to reflect Translink’s 2025 DCC rates.
The Rental Incentive Programs Bulletin was amended to reflect newly released CMHC data.
2024 bulletins
December 3, 2024
The Green Buildings Policy for Rezoning–Process and Requirements bulletin was amended to remove the energy modelling requirements from rezoning applications.
November 1, 2024
The Groundwater Management Bulletin has been updated to include the Broadway Plan Area as an area of concern for groundwater. To streamline processes, residential developments across the city with 8 or fewer units are now exempt from the bulletin requirements and discharge monitoring and reporting requirements have been clarified. As well, the criteria for development permit (DP) applications have been simplified so that any projects that meet the bulletin’s technical and geographical triggers will be subject to its requirements at the DP stage, regardless of when or if they underwent rezoning.
October 8, 2024
The DCL bulletin was amended to remove references to September 2023 rates, remove a part of the East Fraser Lands because of amendments to the EFL ODP, and add a link in Appendix E to an FAQ document on the TransLink DCC.
July 12, 2024
To reflect the new affordable housing and amenity share rates for RT-7, RT-9, and FSD, tables 3 and 4 have been added to the Density Bonus Contributions bulletin.
The Sustainable Large Developments bulletin was amended to remove Section 8-Resilience and the Resilience worksheet. This aligns with recent amendments to the Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments, eliminating redundancy and streamlining implementation, as this requirement is now part of the Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings.
July 1, 2024
The Heat Pumps for Existing Ground-Oriented Dwellings bulletin was updated to allow heat pump installations in the side yard of existing detached homes under certain conditions.
June 30, 2024
To align with recent updates to the Parking By-law, amendments were made to the Transportation Demand Management for Developments bulletin. Content updates include simplifying the structure to make it easier to understand, introducing choices specific for non-residential uses, and reducing the level of commitment to make it easier for applicants to meet the requirements.
To implement Bill 44 – Provincial Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation, Council approved changes to allow multiplexes and simplify regulations in RT-7, RT-9 and the First Shaughnessy (FSD) district schedules. As a result, the Procedure for Review of Protected Heritage Property Status in the First Shaughnessy Heritage Conservation Area (Heritage Character and Heritage Value Assessment) Bulletin was amended to remove the First Shaughnessy Advisory Design Panel from the review procedure and update contact information for the Services Centre. The Accessory Buildings–Exclusions from Computation of Floor Area Bulletin was revised to remove references to the RT-7 and RT-9 district schedules.
The Rental Incentive Programs Bulletin was amended to include information related to the below-market rental housing requirements of the Transit-Oriented Areas Rezoning Policy and reflect the removal of vehicle parking minimums city-wide.
The Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy–Process and Requirements bulletin was amended to clarify several requirements, including concerning rent top-up periods and a rent top-up lump sum option, and reflect applicability of enhanced requirements to rezoning applications under the Transit-Oriented Areas Rezoning Policy and in certain RM zones under the Grandview-Woodland Plan.
The Grandview-Woodland Pace of Change Bulletin was repealed to reflect provincial legislation related to Bill 47 and updated community plan policy.
June 14, 2024
The Development Cost Levies Bulletin was amended to reflect 2024 rates and Metro Vancouver’s DCC rate updates.
April 23, 2024
The Floor Area Exclusions for Improved Building Performance bulletin was revised to remove reference to a deleted section of the Zoning and Development By-law, update bulletin references, and clarify wording in the text.
To align with document type standardization, the Larger Zero Emission Buildings Bulletin and the Zero Emission Buildings in R1, RT, and RA Districts Bulletin were created. They replace the Guidelines for Larger Zero Emission Buildings and the Guidelines for the Administration of Variances for Zero Emission Buildings in R1-1, RT, and RA Districts, both repealed on April 23, 2024. The bulletins include updates to improve the clarity of directions for customers and staff.
The submission requirements section of the R1, RT, and RA Bulletin is now divided into subsections for each green building standard, making it easier to find the required material, and the requirements posted on the zero emissions building web page have been incorporated.
March 19, 2024
The Density Bonus Contributions Bulletin was amended in table 1 to reflect the density bonus zones created through the implementation of the Broadway Plan.
March 12, 2024
The Administration of Mass Timber Variances Bulletin has been updated to reflect amendments to section 10.22 of the Zoning and Development By-law.
February 16, 2024
The Transportation Demand Management for Developments Bulletin was amended to clarify language based on frequently asked questions.
The Parking By-Law No. 6059 Design Supplement Bulletin was amended to make references consistent with the Parking By-law.
The Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy–Process and Requirements Bulletin was amended to reflect newly released CMHC data and current practice.
February 7, 2024
The Balconies, Decks, Entries, Porches and Verandahs, Patios, and Roof Decks in R1-1, RT, and RM Districts Bulletin was amended to allow greater flexibility in area for landings and remove some regulatory language.
The DCL Bulletin was amended to reflect Translink’s 2024 DCC rates.
The Rental Incentive Programs Bulletin was amended to reflect newly released CMHC data.
January 1, 2024
Council has transitioned rainwater management requirements from the Zoning and Development By-law into the Building By-law to streamline the process of getting development, building, and occupancy permits. Therefore, the Rainwater Management Bulletin was repealed, and the Groundwater Management Bulletin was revised to correct errors and remove references to the Rainwater Management Bulletin. Learn about rainwater management
To align with recent updates to the Parking By-law, amendments were made to the Transportation Demand Management for Developments Bulletin and the Parking and Loading Design Supplement. The name of the last bulletin was also updated to Parking By-Law No. 6059 Design Supplement. Content updates include restructuring both documents to make them easier to read and simplifying the Transportation Demand Management Bulletin to make it easier for applicants to meet the requirements.
2023 bulletins
November 8, 2023
The Heat Pump Retrofits for Larger Buildings bulletin has been updated to allow retrofits over parking stalls under certain conditions to access a simpler permit process.
October 19, 2023
As part of the Adding Missing Middle Housing and Simplifying Regulations project to allow multiplexes in low density neighbourhoods and simplify regulations in low density (RS) residential zones, 14 bulletins have been deleted and 11 bulletins have been amended, resulting from the consolidation of the 9 RS zoning districts (RS-1, RS-1A, RS-1B, RS-2, RS-3, RS-3A, RS-5, RS-6, and RS-7) into a new R1-1 district.
These bulletins have been deleted:
- RS District Entrances
- RS-1 Explanatory Notes
- RS-5 Small Lots and Conditional Floor Space
- RS-6 Explanatory Notes
- RS-7 Explanatory Notes
- Heritage or Character Buildings Review – Interim Procedure
- Heritage Proforma Review - Interim Policy
- RS-3, RS-3A, and RS-5 Design Workbook
- Laneway Housing How-to Guide
- Outright Duplex How-to Guide
- Light or Access to Basement or Cellar
- Family Suites - RS-1, RS-1S, RS-3, RS-3A, RS-5, RS-5S, and RS-6 Districts
- RS Districts Impermeable Materials Site Coverage
- Solar Hot Water and Photovoltaic Panels - Installation Guidelines for Residential Zone
These bulletins received minor and consequential amendments:
- Additions or Structural Alterations to a Building that is Existing Non-conforming to Regulations
- Balconies, Decks, Entries, Porches and Verandahs, Patios, and Roof Decks in RS, RT, and RM Districts
- Building Height Technical Design Supplement
- Development Cost Levies Bulletin
- Floor Area Exclusions for Improved Building Performance (Thermal Insulation and Rain Screen)
- Official Established Building Grades - Requirements for Development Applications
- Parking and Loading Design Supplement
- Passive Design: Bay Windows and Floor Space
- Rental Incentive Programs Bulletin
More substantially, the Retention and Renovation of Character Merit Buildings - Scope and Documentation bulletin has been updated to clarify the type of documentation required, clarify the scope of retention to reflect current practices, and provide general information on building code implications.
Additionally, The Density Bonus Contributions bulletin has been updated to include the new density bonus created through the multiplex program and the new density bonus zones created through the Broadway Plan implementation (I-1 and IC-2), and remove references to 2022 rates as they are no longer effective.
October 11, 2023
The Rental Incentives Program Bulletin and Sustainable Large Developments Bulletin were amended to consolidate the requirements for below-market rental housing and reflect recent changes to the City-wide and Area-specific DCL by-laws, Secured Rental Policy, Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program Rezoning Policy, Below-Market Rental Housing Policy for Rezonings, and the Rezoning Policy for Sustainable Large Developments. These updates standardize and streamline the delivery of below-market and market rental housing projects.
August 17, 2023
Minor changes have been made to the West End–Tower Form, Siting, and Setbacks Bulletin to reflect recent amendments to the West End Rezoning Policy. These amendments allow for the consideration of rezoning applications for 100% secured market rental housing with a minimum of 20% below-market rental housing in rezoning areas D and E of the Burrard Corridor (West End Plan areas E1 and G1). These changes provide an additional option for applicants to consider, in addition to the existing strata/social housing option.
July 27, 2023
The Green Buildings Policy for Rezoning – Process and Requirements bulletin and the Sustainable Large Developments bulletin were amended to align with recent changes to rainwater management policies to simplify rezoning applications. The Green Buildings Policy for Rezoning – Process and Requirements bulletin was also updated to include newly released technical guidance and reporting templates.
May 9, 2023
On April 11, 2023, Council approved the density bonus contribution rate recalibration, which includes 4 rate increases to be effective September 30, 2023, along with a density bonus exemption for secured market rental development in the Joyce-Collingwood RM-10N district schedule and an expanded definition of amenity and affordable housing shares across all density bonus zones. The name of the bulletin was changed from Density Bonus Zoning and Public Benefits to the Density Bonus Contributions Bulletin.
April 13, 2023
The Development Cost Levies Bulletin was amended to include information on the new Metro Vancouver Water DCC that is anticipated to become effective April 28, 2023.
March 19, 2023
The Rental Incentives Program Bulletin was amended to reflect newly released CMHC data and green building requirement changes.
February 17, 2023
The Groundwater Management Bulletin was updated to show the expanded Still Creek floodplain approved by Council February 1, 2023, and enacted March 9, 2023.
February 3, 2023
The Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy – Process and Requirements bulletin was updated to reflect the new average rents and below-market rents as reported annually by CMHC, as well as the low income threshold, as determined by the maximum allowable rent increase under the BC Residential Tenancy Act.
January 17, 2023
The Parking and Loading Design Supplement bulletin was amended to include dimensions for van accessible parking requirements and other updates initiated by phase 1 of the Accessibility Strategy, approved by Council on July 19, 2022. The appendix was updated to include the van accessible parking diagrams.
2022 bulletins
November 17, 2022
The Rental Housing Stock ODP bulletin was amended to clarify the general intent and application of the RHS ODP and provide additional guidance on off-site rental replacement requirements.
November 14, 2022
As a part of the Regulation Redesign Project to simplify and standardize the land use framework, over 50 bulletins were amended.
Notable updates include: the placement of the RS-3, RS-3A, and RS-5 Design Workbook into the bulletins section; the renaming of the Half-Storey Expression and Construction Bulletin to Partial Storey Expression and Construction Bulletin; the repeal of the Air Conditioning Units and/or Heat Pumps on Balconies Bulletin; the repeal of the RS-1 Additional Above-grade FSR Bulletin; the deconsolidation of the Balcony Enclosure for New Buildings Bulletin and Balcony Enclosure for Existing Buildings Bulletin; and the deconsolidation of the Passive Design - Bay Windows and Floor Space Bulletin, Passive Design - Demountable Green Walls Bulletin, and the Passive Design - Natural Ventilation and Light Bulletin.
September 22, 2022
The Floor Area Exclusions for Improved Building Performance Bulletin was amended to simplify the exclusion of thermal insulation that is added to an existing building in certain situations.
August 20, 2022
The Development Cost Levies Bulletin was amended to reflect Council’s approval of the DCL Update on June 22, 2022. The update includes new rates, effective September 30, 2022; revision to the rental waiver section; a new section on projects with alterations; and other minor amendments to improve readability.
The Rental Incentives Program Bulletin was amended in alignment with the Broadway Plan and DCL and TRP bulletins. The update includes a description of rental project categories with different DCL waiver rates; a procedural change for rental projects eligible for a DCL waiver; revisions to incorporate policy from the Broadway Plan; fixing an error related to the MIRHPP starting rent considerations related to the updates Council approved in July 2021; and a new table of contents.
The Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy – Process and Requirements Bulletin was amended to reflect the new tenant protection policies that were approved with the Broadway Plan that apply to new market rental housing developments. The update also includes the section on RTA legislation.
August 17, 2022
The Rainwater Management Bulletin was amended to delay submission requirements for applications rezoning to existing district schedules (RR, RM-8A/8AN, and I-1C zones) to the subsequent development permit stage.
The Green Buildings Policy for Rezoning Policy – Process and Requirements Bulletin was amended to reduce submission requirements (at the rezoning application stage) for applications rezoning to existing district schedules (RR, RM-8A/8AN, and I-1C zones.
July 5, 2022
The Rainwater Management Bulletin helps guide applicants with how to interpret and implement our rainwater management requirements on redevelopments within the private-realm. The document was updated to clarify our review process and detail submission requirements for applicants. The format of the bulletin was also updated to meet our current standards.
July 1, 2022
Applicants looking to retrofit heat pumps in larger buildings can access a streamlined path using the new mechanical permit process. The new Heat Pump Retrofits for Larger Buildings Bulletin describes this path, which is intended to support the decarbonization of existing buildings. The new Parking, Off-Street – Reduction for Zero Emission Retrofits Bulletin supports the Larger Buildings bulletin. The Heat Pumps for Ground-Oriented Dwellings Bulletin was updated to note the new mechanical permit and clarify a location option where a side yard faces a street.
The Floor Area Exclusions for Improved Building Performance Bulletin was updated to clarify that an exclusion can be claimed under all three sub-sections of 10.11 of the Zoning and Development By-law and clarify the application of sub-section 10.11.1 to the residential portions of buildings.
June 20, 2022
The Outright Duplex How-To Guide was amended to correct the minimum size for a lock-off unit from 200 square feet to 280 square feet in the diagram on page 8 and to revise the wording about the addressing of secondary suites and lock-off units on page 8 to reflect the new practice of assigning a suite number rather than a unique street address.
June 14, 2022
The Green Buildings Policy for Rezoning’s Bulletin was developed to advise applicants of the required submissions related to the Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings, last amended by Council on May 17, 2022. This bulletin applies to rezoning applications received on or after May 18, 2022.
The Access to Daylight, View, and Ventilation in Dwelling Units Bulletin was amended to include an explanatory diagram to assist with the calculation of horizontal angle of daylight.
The RS-1 Accessory Buildings and Floor Space Ratio Bulletin was amended to have a new title: Accessory Buildings – Exclusions from Computation of Floor Area Bulletin because it applies to all zoning districts. The content of the bulletin remains the same with additional information on exclusions for parking stalls.
January 26, 2022
Addition of the new Building Height Bulletin. It is a comprehensive document that clarifies how to calculate building height and explains the administration of building height regulations. It is introduced following Council approval in July 2021 of new definitions for building height and decorative roof, amendments to the definition of base surface, and updates to section 10.18 building height regulations that modernize wording, provide more flexibility for roof access and roof top amenity features, and clarify decorative roof regulations.
January 25, 2022
The Rental Incentives Program Bulletin was updated to provide further information on rental housing incentives and related considerations, including for the Secured Rental Policy and Moderate Income Rental Housing Pilot Program updates recently approved by Council, as well as the DCL By-laws. The information contained in this document helps guide how rental incentives are applied to specific projects.
2021 bulletins
July 30, 2021
The Heat Pumps for Ground-Oriented Dwellings Bulletin was updated to include additional information.
April 27, 2021
The Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan Bulletin was amended to reflect the expansion of the RHS ODP to the C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1 zoning districts.
February 23, 2021
Addition of a new administration of mass timber variances bulletin to explain discretionary variances in the Zoning and Development By-law, Section 10.21A: Mass Timber Buildings as well as related submission requirements.
February 9, 2021
The Rental Incentive Programs Bulletin was amended to reflect updated maximum DCL waiver rents for 2021 and the current status of the Secured Rental Policy.
January 20, 2021
Addition of a new bulletin describing the mechanical room floor area exclusion for zero emissions equipment.
2020 bulletins
December 9, 2020
Addition of a new Balconies, Decks, Entries, Porches and Verandahs, Patios, and Roof Decks in RS, RT, and RM Districts bulletin introduces new definitions for balconies, decks, entries, porches and verandahs, patios, and roof decks and explains the administration of these newly defined building elements. This new bulletin replaces the decks in RS-1 and RS-1S zoning districts bulletin.
July 31, 2020
The heat pumps for ground-oriented dwellings bulletin was updated to include additional information on the permitting process.
April 20, 2020
The sustainable large developments bulletin was updated to change a reference to the groundwater management bulletin.
The groundwater management bulletin was updated to expand the geographical areas of the city where development applicants must submit a hydrogeological study and provide clarity to development applicants about what is required in a hydrogeological study.
March 13, 2020
The West End tower form, siting, and setbacks bulletin has been updated to clarify the analysis of shadow impacts on the 1000 block of Robson Street for rezoning proposals located in Area 'E' of the West End Community Plan.
January 23, 2020
The Rental Incentive Programs Bulletin was amended to reflect updated maximum rents for 2020.
2019 bulletins
October 3, 2019
The Floor Area Exclusions for Improved Building Performance Bulletin was amended to add explanatory text in the Exclusions for Rain Screen Elements section.
August 26, 2019
Various bulletins amended to reflect the revised numbering in sections 10 and 11 of the Zoning and Development By-law and some changes to the bulletin document titles for consistency and clarity.
March 12, 2019
New Heritage Assessment Process Bulletin informs the heritage assessment and evaluation procedure and when it would be necessary to prepare a statement of significance (SoS) and a conservation plan.
February 14, 2019
Demolition Permits for Pre-1950 Houses - Recycling Requirements Administrative Bulletin was amended to reflect changes to the Green Demolition By-law.