Heritage review process

What you need to know

Properties currently listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR) and identified as potential additions must go through a heritage review during the permit application process. 

This review makes sure the property's heritage value is carefully considered, with a focus on keeping and preserving it. City staff will inform applicants about available incentives and conservation grants that could support their project.

 To make the process easier, follow these steps early in the design phase, before submitting your permit application.

What you need to know before submitting a development permit or rezoning application

 Check your property’s heritage status:

  • Is your property listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR) or identified as having heritage potential?
  • Does your property have a Statement of Significance (SOS)?

Some properties in Vancouver may be identified as potential additions to the VHR. These properties are flagged in our permit system to alert Heritage Planning staff during any development enquiry or application. If a property owner wants to add their property to the VHR and its heritage value is confirmed, they may be eligible for development incentives in exchange for heritage conservation and addition to the register.

What to submit with your development permit or rezoning application

Pathways for heritage review

Properties listed on the VHR 

Properties not listed on the VHR but identified for potential heritage value

Get help with the heritage review process 

Contact a heritage planner

Email: heritage@vancouver.ca