On January 16, 2018, Council approved the enactment of zoning changes and related design guidelines to:
- Support character home retention
- Introduce increased opportunities for housing choice
Character houses add definition and vibrancy to our neighbourhoods, and are valued by many Vancouver residents. These older homes:
- Were built using high-quality local materials
- Give many streets a unique and consistent character, including features that provide a neighbourly face to the street
What to do with your character home
When a character house is retained, you have the opportunity to:
- Add additional floor area to their existing home
- Convert the home into multiple units known as a multiple conversion dwelling
- Build an infill – a smaller detached home typically located in the rear yard where the garage would normally go
- Rent or strata-title dwelling units in the infill or multiple conversion dwelling
- Development Options: General Building Code Upgrades, Site Servicing Requirements, and Site Eligibility Requirements PDF file (2.7 MB)
What houses are eligible to be a character house
These incentives are available when a character house is retained in any R1-1 zone.
Character houses are typically built before 1940 and meet established criteria. You may request a character assessment of your house to determine if your house qualifies.
Before you start planning
Review the zoning schedules, guidelines, and policies before you start your plan:
Get help with the approval process
Contact the Development and Building Services Centre online if you are interested in a character home retention project, want to find out if your lot is eligible, and to learn more about regulations and the approval process.
If you are ready with a preliminary proposal, we encourage you to book a pre-application meeting with a development planner. Note Development planner pre-application meetings are for a review of preliminary plans.