What is a secondary suite?
A secondary suite is an approved dwelling unit (with its own kitchen and living area as well as separate external access) within a larger one-family or two-family dwelling.
Secondary suites may share internal access with the main dwelling unit.
Review the steps to creating or legalizing a secondary suite before submitting an application.
Add a new secondary suite to your home or legalize a secondary suite that was created without permits.
What you need to know
- A secondary suite cannot be strata titled
- A third suite is not allowed under the Zoning and Development By-law
- A duplex may have two suites; however, only one suite is allowed per primary dwelling unit
- Secondary suites in duplexes or two-family homes are not approved in all zones
- Secondary suites not approved through our permitting process are not legal dwelling units and not eligible for short- or long-term licences
- A secondary suite must comply with all City by-laws prior to legalization (These items are usually addressed during the permit application phase.)
- Questions about legalizing your secondary suite can be emailed to secondarysuite.office@vancouver.ca
Are you creating a secondary suite as part of building a new house? Review the steps to building a new house
Review our how to guide PDF file (213 KB)
Review our frequently asked questions PDF file (112 KB)
Removing your secondary suite?
If you no longer want a secondary suite in your home, you will need to apply for the appropriate permit(s) before you:
- Remove the kitchen/cooking facilities (for example, the range, etc)
- Resolve any other work that was previously completed without a permit
Contact the Services Centre for further information about the permit application process.
Buying a home with a secondary suite?
Did you know that you when you purchase a property, you are responsible for any work completed without a permit even if the work was competed by a former owner or before you lived there? This includes secondary suites.
Request an approved use letter to find out if the secondary suite in your home is permitted.
Important note Our Zoning and Development By-law only allows one secondary suite per single family home.
Contact the Development and Building Services Centre
The Development and Building Centre is open for in-person scheduled appointments or payments.
Location and mailing address
Development and Building Centre
515 West 10th Avenue, Ground Floor
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4A8
Permits, inspections, and forms
Apply for and manage permit
Review regulations and apply for the required permits for your construction or renovation project.
Book or cancel an electrical, plumbing, building, fire sprinkler, gas, or sidewalk inspection for your construction or renovation project.
Forms, checklists, and bulletins
View and download the building or development permit application forms and submission requirements.