White detached single-family house with a short hedge and sidewalk in the foreground

Get a long-term rental business licence

Processing of applications

Access to the Business Licence Office is by appointment only. Walk-in service and drop-in appointments are not available.

To help process your applications faster, we have moved to a digital approach for applications, enquiries, and payments.

  • Submit and renew your business licence online
  • Contact us online for customer enquiries

 We will contact you with questions or next steps once we have processed your request.

Get support for your local business

What you need to know

If you're:

  • A residential property owner, you can have a maximum of 2 tenants living with you in your principal residence, such as exchange students, and you don’t need a business licence
  • Renting your property for less than 30 days, you will need a short-term rental business licence
  • Running a bed and breakfast, you will need a different business licence

To rent a residential property you own for 30 days or more at a time, you need a long-term rental business licence, even if you hire a property manager.

All landlords must comply with the BC Residential Tenancy Branch  and provide tenants with an emergency contact.

Steps to getting a long-term rental business licence

Contact the Licence Office

Contact us online

Appointment required
Development and Building Services Centre
Ground Floor
515 West 10th Avenue

Mailing address:
Revenue Services
PO Box 7878
Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2