11-storey apartment tower from the street with parked cars

Residential rental property business licences

To rent your residential property, you need a rental property business licence. Even if you hire a property manager.

Choose from three types of licences based on:

  • How long you'll rent your residence
  • If you live there

Short-term rentals

Rent the home you live in for less than 30 days at a time.

Bed and breakfasts

Rent up to two rooms in the home you live in for less than 30 days at a time and include breakfast.

Long-term rentals

Rent a residential property you own, including an investment property, for 30 days or more at a time.

Contact the Licence Office

Contact us online

Appointment required
Development and Building Services Centre
Ground Floor
515 West 10th Avenue

Mailing address:
Revenue Services
PO Box 7878
Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2