Restaurant patio in Gastown

Liquor-serving establishments

If you want to have a business in Vancouver that sells or serves alcoholic drinks, you must have a liquor licence.

What's happeningShare your feedback on extended business hours for bars, pubs, and restaurants

We are exploring opportunities to extend operating hours for bars, pubs, nightclubs, and restaurant alcohol service.

This initiative aims to:

  • Support local businesses and economies
  • Enhance neighbourhood vibrancy
  • Balance public health and safety

Submit your feedback on the proposed opportunities for increased hours by March 9, 2025. 

Get involved on
Shape Your City  

Apply for or make changes to a liquor licence

Apply for a new licence, make permanent changes to an existing liquor primary licence, or apply for a one-time exception.

Temporarily extend hours and/or area

Submit an amendment request to temporarily extend opening hours, closing hours, or area of your liquor-serving establishment.

Permanently change hours of liquor service

Apply for a new licence, make permanent changes to an existing liquor primary licence, or apply for a one-time exception.

Exceptions: Liquor Primary distancing and moratoria

Council approved a one-time exception to two liquor policies to the occupant load at Liquor Primary establishments.

The role of the Province and the City

Policy changes

  • December 2023 - Council repealed the Liquor Licence Capacity and Location Policy and Guidelines and adopted the Policy on Establishments with Provincial Liquor Primary Licences (Appendix A (1.8 MB) to modernize the City’s regulatory framework for liquor establishments. This included removing distance requirements on all liquor establishment licences citywide including lifting the moratorium on new liquor establishments and seat expansions at existing establishments in the Granville Entertainment District and the Chinatown, Gastown, Industrial, Thornton Park, and Victory Square areas as defined by the Liquor Policy for the Downtown Eastside.
  • November 2023 - The sale of wine on shelves in grocery stores is now permitted for stores that meet provincial regulations and licensing and have a valid municipal business licence.

Select your business type below to learn how the changes may affect your business.

Learn about the liquor licence fees

Licence By-law 4450

See Schedules A and B for liquor licence fees.

All licences expire annually on December 31 each year. Fees are pro-rated based on the business start date.

Contact us

Liquor Licence Coordinator

Phone: 604-871-6988

Liquor Licence Group

Phone: 604-871-6461 or 604-873-7954
