Exceptions to Liquor Primary distancing and moratoria

On March 30, 2021, Council approved the following one-time exceptions:

  • If you are an existing liquor serving establishment located in the GED and DTES moratoria areas, you can apply for a one-time occupant load increase
  • If you are a liquor serving establishment in conflict with our distancing policies, you can apply to increase your occupancy load up to 30%

Any occupant increases granted will be permanent.


Timeline for implementation of a one-time exception to liquor primary establishment distancing and moratoria​​​​​​​.Step 1: Application requirements, Step 2: Application review, Step 3: Amendment of Provincial liquor primary licence, Step 4: Amendment of business licence, Step 5: Business licence issued - Between step 2 and 3, there will be an interdepartmental review; development, building, and occupancy review; public consultation; and fire occupant load permit

Steps to increasing the occupancy of your business